Class AbstractCellAdv

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCellAdv

        public AbstractCellAdv()
    • Method Detail

      • checkFormulaResultType

        protected void checkFormulaResultType​(SCell.CellType... types)
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface SCell
        cell value.
      • setStringValue

        public void setStringValue​(String value)
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Set string value, if the value start with '=', then it sets as formula
        Specified by:
        setStringValue in interface SCell
      • getInitValue

        public Object getInitValue()
      • setDateValue

        public void setDateValue​(Date date)
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Sets the number value a date instance, it will transfer the date to double value
        Specified by:
        setDateValue in interface SCell
      • getDateValue

        public Date getDateValue()
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Gets the date value that is transfered by the double number value.
        Specified by:
        getDateValue in interface SCell
      • getBooleanValue

        public Boolean getBooleanValue()
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Gets the boolean value
        Specified by:
        getBooleanValue in interface SCell
      • getFormulaValue

        public String getFormulaValue()
        Specified by:
        getFormulaValue in interface SCell
        returns formula string without '=', e.g. SUM(A1:B2)
      • setupRichTextValue

        public SRichText setupRichTextValue()
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Setup a rich text value(Create a new one if the old value is not a rich-text) and return the instance which to be edited.
        Specified by:
        setupRichTextValue in interface SCell
      • getRichTextValue

        public SRichText getRichTextValue()
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Return the rich text value. if this cell is a simple string value, it will return a read-only rich-text which wraps string-value and current font.
        Specified by:
        getRichTextValue in interface SCell
      • isRichTextValue

        public boolean isRichTextValue()
        Description copied from interface: SCell
        Check if this cell contains a rich-text value
        Specified by:
        isRichTextValue in interface SCell
      • setFormulaValue

        public abstract void setFormulaValue​(String formula,
                                             Locale locale)
      • setFormulaValue

        public abstract void setFormulaValue​(String formula,
                                             Locale locale,
                                             FormulaType formulaType)
        formula -
        locale -
      • setFormulaValue

        public abstract void setFormulaValue​(String formula,
                                             FormulaType formulaType)
        formula -
      • setFormulaResultValue

        public abstract void setFormulaResultValue​(ValueEval value)
      • setValue

        protected abstract void setValue​(Object value,
                                         boolean aString)
      • setTextHeight

        public abstract void setTextHeight​(int height)
      • getTextHeight

        public abstract int getTextHeight()
      • setCalcAutoHeight

        public abstract void setCalcAutoHeight​(boolean b)
      • isCalcAutoHeight

        public abstract boolean isCalcAutoHeight()
      • setTextWidth

        public abstract void setTextWidth​(int width)
      • getTextWidth

        public abstract int getTextWidth()
      • getEvalCellValue

        public abstract CellValue getEvalCellValue​(boolean evaluatedVal)