Class UnsupportedChartDataImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • UnsupportedChartDataImpl

        public UnsupportedChartDataImpl​(SChart chart)
    • Method Detail

      • getChart

        public SChart getChart()
        the chart that contains the chart data.
      • clearFormulaResultCache

        public void clearFormulaResultCache()
        Description copied from interface: FormulaContent
        Clear the formula result cache if there is evaluation result
      • isFormulaParsingError

        public boolean isFormulaParsingError()
        returns TRUE if it has parsing error, FALSE if no error found or not a formula content
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from interface: LinkedModelObject
        Destroy / release this model object, for example all the dependency, parent linking. this method has to be called before remove this linking from parent object
      • checkOrphan

        public void checkOrphan()