Class AbstractUndoableAction

    • Field Detail

      • _label

        protected final String _label
      • _sheet

        protected final Sheet _sheet
      • _row

        protected final int _row
      • _column

        protected final int _column
      • _lastRow

        protected final int _lastRow
      • _lastColumn

        protected final int _lastColumn
      • _wholeColumn

        protected final boolean _wholeColumn
      • _wholeRow

        protected final boolean _wholeRow
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractUndoableAction

        public AbstractUndoableAction​(String label,
                                      Sheet sheet,
                                      int row,
                                      int column,
                                      int lastRow,
                                      int lastColumn,
                                      boolean wholeColumn,
                                      boolean wholeRow)
      • AbstractUndoableAction

        public AbstractUndoableAction​(String label,
                                      Sheet sheet,
                                      int row,
                                      int column,
                                      int lastRow,
                                      int lastColumn)
    • Method Detail

      • isSheetAvailable

        protected boolean isSheetAvailable()
        Check if sheet still available
      • isSheetProtected

        protected boolean isSheetProtected()
        Check if sheet is protected
      • isAnyCellProtected

        protected boolean isAnyCellProtected​(Sheet sheet,
                                             CellRegion cellRegion)
      • getUndoSelection

        public AreaRef getUndoSelection()
        Specified by:
        getUndoSelection in interface UndoableAction
        Selection after undo of this action, null if doesn't provided;
      • getRedoSelection

        public AreaRef getRedoSelection()
        Specified by:
        getRedoSelection in interface UndoableAction
        Selection after redo of this action, null if doesn't provided;
      • getUndoSheet

        public Sheet getUndoSheet()
        Specified by:
        getUndoSheet in interface UndoableAction
        target sheet of undo action, null if doesn't provided
      • getRedoSheet

        public Sheet getRedoSheet()
        Specified by:
        getRedoSheet in interface UndoableAction
        target sheet of redo action, null if doesn't provided