Interface Oid

  • public interface Oid
    • Method Detail

      • nextOid

        static String nextOid()
        Returns the next unique object ID.
      • mergeOid

        static String mergeOid​(String oid1,
                               String oid2)
        Creates a new OID based two OIDs.

        > To shorten the result OID, we retrieve the substring of [oid1] and [oid2] and concatenate them together. Of course, there might be conflict but the chance is so low that we can ignore (like OID generator),

      • isValidOid

        static boolean isValidOid​(String value)
      • getRandomInts

        static int[] getRandomInts​(int length)
        The function used to generate a list of random integers to construct OID.

        The default implementation uses [Random] to generate the random number. When running at the browser, it is better to replace with `Crypto.getRandomValues`.

      • _escOid

        static int _escOid​(int v)