Class HSSFFormulaParser

    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static Ptg[] parse​(String formula,
                                  HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                  FormulaType formulaType)
                           throws FormulaParseException
        formula - The formula to parse, excluding the leading equals sign
        workbook - The parent workbook
        formulaType - The type of formula
        The parsed formula tokens
        FormulaParseException - if the formula has incorrect syntax or is otherwise invalid
      • parse

        public static Ptg[] parse​(String formula,
                                  HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                  FormulaType formulaType,
                                  int sheetIndex)
                           throws FormulaParseException
        formula - The formula to parse
        workbook - The parent workbook
        formulaType - The type of formula
        sheetIndex - The 0-based index of the sheet this formula belongs to. The sheet index is required to resolve sheet-level names. -1 means that the scope of the name will be ignored and the parser will match named ranges only by name
        the parsed formula tokens
        FormulaParseException - if the formula has incorrect syntax or is otherwise invalid
      • toFormulaString

        public static String toFormulaString​(HSSFWorkbook book,
                                             Ptg[] ptgs)
        Static method to convert an array of Ptgs in RPN order to a human readable string format in infix mode.
        book - used for defined names and 3D references
        ptgs - must not be null
        a human readable String