Interface ColorStyle

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getAlpha()
      the opacity as expressed by a percentage value
      Color getColor()  
      int getHueMod()
      the hue as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color.
      int getHueOff()
      the hue shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color.
      int getLumMod()
      the luminance as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color.
      int getLumOff()
      the luminance shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color.
      int getSatMod()
      the saturation as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color.
      int getSatOff()
      the saturation shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color.
      int getShade()
      specifies a darker version of its input color.
      int getTint()
      specifies a lighter version of its input color.
    • Method Detail

      • getColor

        Color getColor()
      • getAlpha

        int getAlpha()
        the opacity as expressed by a percentage value
        opacity in percents in the range [0..100000] or -1 if the value is not set
      • getHueOff

        int getHueOff()
        the hue shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%
        hue shift in percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) or -1 if the value is not set
      • getHueMod

        int getHueMod()
        the hue as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%
        hue in percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) or -1 if the value is not set
      • getSatOff

        int getSatOff()
        the saturation shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%
        saturation shift in percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) or -1 if the value is not set
      • getSatMod

        int getSatMod()
        the saturation as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%
        saturation in percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) or -1 if the value is not set
      • getLumOff

        int getLumOff()
        the luminance shift as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%
        luminance shift in percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) or -1 if the value is not set
      • getLumMod

        int getLumMod()
        the luminance as expressed by a percentage relative to the input color. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%.
        luminance in percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) or -1 if the value is not set
      • getShade

        int getShade()
        specifies a darker version of its input color. A 10% shade is 10% of the input color combined with 90% black. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%.
        the value of the shade specified as percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) with 0% indicating minimal shade and 100% indicating maximum or -1 if the value is not set
      • getTint

        int getTint()
        specifies a lighter version of its input color. A 10% tint is 10% of the input color combined with 90% white. Be aware that OOXML also returns values greater than 100%
        the value of the tint specified as percents in the range [0..100000] (usually ...) with 0% indicating minimal tint and 100% indicating maximum or -1 if the value is not set