Class CellFormatPart

  • public class CellFormatPart
    extends Object
    Objects of this class represent a single part of a cell format expression. Each cell can have up to four of these for positive, zero, negative, and text values.

    Each format part can contain a color, a condition, and will always contain a format specification. For example "[Red][>=10]#" has a color ([Red]), a condition (>=10) and a format specification (#).

    This class also contains patterns for matching the subparts of format specification. These are used internally, but are made public in case other code has use for them.

    • Field Detail

      • COLOR_PAT

        public static final Pattern COLOR_PAT
        Pattern for the color part of a cell format part.

        public static final Pattern CONDITION_PAT
        Pattern for the condition part of a cell format part.

        public static final Pattern SPECIFICATION_PAT
        Pattern for the format specification part of a cell format part.

        public static final Pattern CURRENCY_PAT
        Pattern for the currency symbol part of a cell format part
      • FORMAT_PAT

        public static final Pattern FORMAT_PAT
        Pattern for an entire cell single part.
      • LOCALE_PAT

        public static final Pattern LOCALE_PAT

        public static final int CURRENCY_GROUP

        public static final int PREFIX_GROUP

        public static final int LOCALE_GROUP
        Within FORMAT_PAT, the group number for the matched locale code.

        public static final int COLOR_GROUP
        Within FORMAT_PAT, the group number for the matched color.

        public static final int CONDITION_OPERATOR_GROUP
        Within FORMAT_PAT, the group number for the operator in the condition.

        public static final int CONDITION_VALUE_GROUP
        Within FORMAT_PAT, the group number for the value in the condition.

        public static final int SPECIFICATION_GROUP
        Within FORMAT_PAT, the group number for the format specification.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CellFormatPart

        public CellFormatPart​(String desc)
        Create an object to represent a format part.
        desc - The string to parse.
      • CellFormatPart

        public CellFormatPart​(Locale locale,
                              String desc)
        Create an object to represent a format part.
        locale - The locale to use.
        desc - The string to parse.
    • Method Detail

      • applies

        public boolean applies​(Object valueObject)
        Returns true if this format part applies to the given value. If the value is a number and this is part has a condition, returns true only if the number passes the condition. Otherwise, this always return true.
        valueObject - The value to evaluate.
        true if this format part applies to the given value.
      • apply

        public CellFormatResult apply​(Object value)
        Apply this format part to the given value. This returns a CellFormatResult object with the results.
        value - The value to apply this format part to.
        A CellFormatResult object containing the results of applying the format to the value.
      • apply

        public CellFormatResult apply​(JLabel label,
                                      Object value)
        Apply this format part to the given value, applying the result to the given label.
        label - The label
        value - The value to apply this format part to.
        true if the
      • parseFormat

        public static StringBuffer parseFormat​(String fdesc,
                                               CellFormatType type,
      • group

        public static String group​(Matcher m,
                                   int g)
        Returns the string from the group, or "" if the group is null.
        m - The matcher.
        g - The group number.
        The group or "".
      • setSectionFourTextFormat

        protected void setSectionFourTextFormat​(boolean sectionFour)