Class Roman

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Function, Function2Arg

    public class Roman
    extends Fixed2ArgFunction
    Implementation for Excel Roman() function.

    Roman (number,form)

    Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text.

    Number Required. The Arabic numeral you want converted.

    Form Optional. A number specifying the type of roman numeral you want. The roman numeral style ranges from Classic to Simplified, becoming more concise as the value of form increases.

    Return_type a roman numeral, as text

    • Constructor Detail

      • Roman

        public Roman()
    • Method Detail

      • makeConcise

        public String makeConcise​(String input,
                                  int form)
        Use conversion rule to factor some parts and make them more concise
        input - the input string
        form - the level of conciseness [0..4] with 4 being most concise and simplified