class |
AbstractFunctionPtg |
This class provides the base functionality for Excel sheet functions
There are two kinds of function Ptgs - tFunc and tFuncVar
Therefore, this class will have ONLY two subclasses
class |
AddPtg |
Addition operator PTG the "+" binomial operator.
class |
ConcatPtg |
class |
DividePtg |
This PTG implements the standard binomial divide "/"
class |
EqualPtg |
class |
FuncPtg |
class |
FuncVarPtg |
class |
GreaterEqualPtg |
PTG class to implement greater or equal to
class |
GreaterThanPtg |
Greater than operator PTG ">"
class |
IntersectionPtg |
class |
LessEqualPtg |
Ptg class to implement less than or equal
class |
LessThanPtg |
Less than operator PTG "<".
class |
MultiplyPtg |
Implements the standard mathematical multiplication "*"
class |
NotEqualPtg |
Ptg class to implement not equal
class |
PercentPtg |
Percent PTG.
class |
PowerPtg |
class |
RangePtg |
class |
SubtractPtg |
class |
UnaryMinusPtg |
Unary Plus operator - does not have any effect on the operand
class |
UnaryPlusPtg |
Unary Plus operator - does not have any effect on the operand
class |
UnionPtg |
class |
ValueOperatorPtg |
Common superclass of all value operators.