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a1ToRef(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
abcToNum(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
Converts abc to number.
AbortedException - Exception in io.keikai.client.api
Exception indicating that the result of a task is being cancelled.
AbortedException() - Constructor for exception io.keikai.client.api.AbortedException
Constructs a AbortedException with no detail message.
AbortedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.keikai.client.api.AbortedException
Constructs a AbortedException with the specified detail message.
abortImporting(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Aborts a importing job at remote server.
accept(T) - Method in interface io.keikai.util.Functions.ExceptionableConsumer
acceptWithException(T) - Method in interface io.keikai.util.Functions.ExceptionableConsumer
actionMap - Static variable in enum io.keikai.client.api.ui.AuxAction
activate() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Select a cell or cells with this range.
activate() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Activates the worksheet
addAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<Button>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Button
Adds an action for this button.
addAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<Checkbox>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Checkbox
Adds an action for this checkbox.
addAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<OptionButton>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Groupbox
Adds an action for this Groupbox when option button has checked.
addAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<OptionButton>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.OptionButton
Adds an action for this option button.
addEventListener(String, RangeEventListener<? extends RangeEvent>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Adds the event listener
addExceptionHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
adds an exception handler to this spreadsheet.
addMeta(Object, Object) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Adds the specified key to the specified value in the global meta.
Alignment - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
An alignment interface
Alignment.Horizontal - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Horizontal alignments that can be applied.
Alignment.ReadingOrder - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
ReadingOrder attributes that can be applied.
Alignment.Vertical - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Vertical alignments that can be applied.
areaToRef(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
AuxAction - Enum in io.keikai.client.api.ui
AuxActionEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
AuxActionEvent(String, String, Range, Set<Range>, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.AuxActionEvent


Border - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
Represents the border of an object for Range or CellStyle to use.
Border.Style - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Style attributes that can be applied.
Border.ThemeColor - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
ThemeColor attributes that can be applied.
Borders - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A collection of borders that represent the four borders of a Range or CellStyle Object.
Borders.BorderIndex - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
BorderIndex attributes that can be applied.
Button - Interface in io.keikai.client.api.ctrl
Form control button


CellEditEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
CellEditEvent that affected by editing
CellEditEvent(String, Set<Range>, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellEditEvent
CellHyperlinkEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
Event represents an user click on the hyperlink of a cell
CellHyperlinkEvent(String, Set<Range>, int, int, int, int, int, int, String, String, int, int, int, int, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellHyperlinkEvent
CellMouseEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
Event that carries mouse x,y information and cell row,column information on click
CellMouseEvent(String, Set<Range>, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
CellStyle - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
The CellStyle object contains all style attributes (font, number format, alignment, and so on) as properties.
CellValue - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A cell value object.
Checkbox - Interface in io.keikai.client.api.ctrl
Form control checkbox
clear() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Clears the formulas/values/formats of this range.
clearAutoFilter() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Clears the auto filter
clearCellStyle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Clears the cell style.
clearContents() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Clears a formula/values of this range
clearDataValidation() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Clears the data validation
clearEventListeners() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Removes all the event listeners.
clearHyperlinks() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Clears the hyperlink from this range.
clone() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
close() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Closes this client.
Colors - Class in io.keikai.util
A Color utilities.
Colors() - Constructor for class io.keikai.util.Colors
contains(Settings.Key) - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
containsWorkbook(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns true, if the remote server contains the given bookName.
Converter - Class in io.keikai.util
Converter() - Constructor for class io.keikai.util.Converter
convertTime(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Converts a string of format "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" to its (Excel) numeric equivalent
copyTo(Range) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Copies this range to the destination
copyTo(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Copies this sheet to this workbook at the given index, with a default name.
copyTo(Workbook, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Copies this sheet to the workbook at the given index, with a default name.
copyToEnd() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Copies this sheet to the end of this workbook, with a default name.
copyToEnd(Workbook) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Copies this sheet to the end of the workbook, with a default name.
createAlignment() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Creates a alignment.
createBorder() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Creates a border
createBorders() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
createBorders(Borders.BorderIndex) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Creates the borders from the given border index.
createBorders() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
createCellStyle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Creates a cell style object.
createDataValidation() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Creates a data validation
createFont() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Creates a font.
createFont() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Creates a font
createHyperlink() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Creates a hyperlink.
createNumberFormat() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Creates a number format
createPatternFill() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Creates a pattern fill.
createPatternFill() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Creates a pattern fill.
createProtection() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Creates a protection
cutTo(Range) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Cuts and pastes the range to the destination


DataValidation - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A data validation interface
DataValidation.AlertStyle - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
AlertStyle attributes that can be applied.
DataValidation.Operator - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Operator attributes that can be applied.
DataValidation.Type - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Type attributes that can be applied.
DataValidationValue - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A data validation value (Immutable) to hold the range info and the data validation.
DateUtil - Class in io.keikai.util
Contains methods for dealing with Excel dates.
DAY_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
DEFAULT_SETTINGS - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
The default settings.
delete(Range.DeleteShiftDirection) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Deletes cells of the range.
delete() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Deletes the remote application and close this client.
deleteWorkbook(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Deletes the remote workbook with the given name, if any.
deleteWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Deletes the active worksheet from the active workbook.
deleteWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Deletes the worksheet with the given name or id from the active workbook.
deleteWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Deletes the worksheet at the given sheet index from the active workbook.
deleteWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Deletes the active worksheet
deleteWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Deletes the worksheet from the given name
deleteWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Deletes the worksheet in the workbook at the given index
DuplicateNameException - Exception in io.keikai.client.api
The DuplicateNameException exception is thrown if a book name cannot be imported because a workbook with the same name already exists.
DuplicateNameException() - Constructor for exception io.keikai.client.api.DuplicateNameException
Constructs a DuplicateNameException with no detail message.
DuplicateNameException(String) - Constructor for exception io.keikai.client.api.DuplicateNameException
Constructs a DuplicateNameException with the specified detail message.


EMPTY_CONSUMER - Static variable in class io.keikai.util.Functions
Events - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
Utilities to handle events.
Events() - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
export(String, OutputStream) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Exports the book from the given bookname to an output stream.
export(String, OutputStream, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Exports the book from the given bookname to an output stream with the given format.


Fill - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A fill interface for Pattern Fill and Gradient Fill
Fill.PatternFill - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A Pattern Fill
Fill.PatternFill.PatternType - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
focus() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Retrieves the UI focus.
Font - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A font interface
Font.Underline - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Underline attributes that can be applied.
freezePanes() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
freeze the panes from the given range.
freezePanes(int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
freezes the panes for this active worksheet.
fromJSON(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
Functions - Class in io.keikai.util
A function utilities.
Functions() - Constructor for class io.keikai.util.Functions
Functions.ExceptionableConsumer<T> - Interface in io.keikai.util


get(Settings.Key) - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
getA1Notation() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the A1 notation from this range, e.g.
getAction() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.AuxActionEvent
getAction() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.ui.AuxAction
getActiveCell() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.AuxActionEvent
getActiveCell() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeSelectEvent
Returns the active cell of this range event.
getActiveCell() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the active cell focus range from the UI client.
getActiveSelection() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeSelectEvent
Returns the active selection of this range event.
getAddress() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellHyperlinkEvent
Returns the link address.
getAddress() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink
Returns the address of the target document.
getAlertStyle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the alert style.
getAlignment() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the alignment
getAPIKey() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the API key
getAppId() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the id of the unique keikai's Application that the spreadsheet belongs to.
getAuxEvent(String, Spreadsheet, Map) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.AuxActionEvent
getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill
Returns the background color
getBookName() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
Returns the workbook name that belongs to this event.
getBookName() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the book name of the active workbook from the remote server.
getBookName() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the workbook name
getBooleanValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the boolean value of this cell.
getBorder(Borders.BorderIndex) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Returns the border from the given border index.
getBorder(Borders.BorderIndex) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the single border from the given border index.
getBorderIndices() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Returns the specified border indices.
getBorders() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the borders collection.
getBottom() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getButton() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns a Number, representing which mouse button that was pressed when the mouse event occurred.
getButton() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns a Number, representing which mouse button that was pressed when the mouse event occurred.
getButton(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control button of the given name or shapeId.
getButton(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control button of the given index.
getBy(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.ui.AuxAction
getCell(int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the range from the cell position.
getCellEditEvent(String, Spreadsheet, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellEditEvent
getCellHyperlinkEvent(String, Spreadsheet, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellHyperlinkEvent
getCellMouseEvent(String, Spreadsheet, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
getCellStyle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the cell style.
getCellValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.RangeValue
Returns the cell value from this range.
getCharset() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the charset
getCheckbox(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control checkbox of the given name or shapeId.
getCheckbox(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control checkbox of the given index.
getColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Returns the border color.
getColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
getColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the color
getColorIndex() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Returns the border color index.
getColorIndex() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
getColumn() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the column position in the first range.
getColumn() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the left column position for this range, 0-based.
getColumnCount() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getColumnIndex() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.RangeValue
Returns the column index from this range.
getColumns() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Return the column part of this range.
getColumns(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns a Range that is n-th column(0-based) related to the first area of this range and in the range.
getColumnWidth() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the column width of this range in character unit width.
getColumnWidthPx() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the column width of this range in pixels.
getCount() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the count of cells of this range.
getCount() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getData() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the event data, if any.
getDataValidation() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidationValue
Returns the data validation.
getDataValidations() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the data validations.
getDataValidations() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the data validations of the active worksheet from the remote server.
getDataValidations() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the data validations of this worksheet from the remote data server.
getDateValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the date value of this cell.
getDoubleValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the double value of this cell.
getEntireColumn() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns a Range that represents the entire column (or columns) that contains this range.
getEntireRow() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns a Range that represents the entire row (or rows) that contains this range.
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the error message.
getErrorTitle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the title of the data validation error dialog box.
getExcelDate(Date) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given a Date, converts it into a double representing its internal Excel representation, which is the number of days since 1/1/1900.
getExcelDate(Date, boolean) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given a Date, converts it into a double representing its internal Excel representation, which is the number of days since 1/1/1900.
getExcelDate(Calendar, boolean) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given a Date in the form of a Calendar, converts it into a double representing its internal Excel representation, which is the number of days since 1/1/1900.
getFamily() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the family
getFill() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the fill
getFirstColumn(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the first column of row which contains data
getFirstRow() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the first row which contains data of this sheet
getFont() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the font
getForegroundColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill
Returns the foreground color
getFormat() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the format of this cell.
getFormat() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.NumberFormat
Returns the format
getFormattedText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the formatted text of this cell after being applied the number format.
getFormula() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the formula of this cell.
getFormula() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.RangeValue
Returns the formula value from this range, e.g.
getFormula1() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the formula1 expression.
getFormula2() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the formula2 expression.
getGroupbox() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.OptionButton
Returns the groupbox which the option button belongs to, or null if not exists.
getGroupbox(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control groupbox of the given name or shapeId.
getGroupbox(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control groupbox of the given index.
getHorizontal() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns the horizontal alignment
getHyperlink() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the hyperlink.
getIndent() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns the indent
getIndex() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Shape
Returns the index of this shape.
getIndex() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the sheet index.
getInputMessage() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the input message.
getInputTitle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the title of the data validation input dialog box.
getJavaCalendar(double, boolean) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Get EXCEL date as Java Calendar (with default time zone).
getJavaCalendar(double, boolean, TimeZone) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Get EXCEL date as Java Calendar with given time zone.
getJavaCalendarUTC(double, boolean) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Get EXCEL date as Java Calendar with UTC time zone.
getJavaDate(double, TimeZone) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given an Excel date with using 1900 date windowing, and converts it to a java.util.Date.
getJavaDate(double) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given an Excel date with using 1900 date windowing, and converts it to a java.util.Date.
getJavaDate(double, boolean, TimeZone) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given an Excel date with either 1900 or 1904 date windowing, converts it to a java.util.Date.
getJavaDate(double, boolean) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given an Excel date with either 1900 or 1904 date windowing, converts it to a java.util.Date.
getKeyCode() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
Returns the keyCode;
getLastColumn() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the last column position in the first range.
getLastColumn() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the end column position for this range, 0-based.
getLastColumn(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the last column of row which contains data
getLastRow() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the last row position in the first range.
getLastRow() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the end row position for this range, 0-based.
getLastRow() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the last row which contains data of this sheet
getLeft() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getMeta(Object) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Returns the value in the global meta from the given key.
getName() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the event name.
getName() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the name
getName() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Shape
Returns the name of this shape.
getName() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the name of this workbook.
getName() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the sheet name.
getNumberFormat() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the number format.
getOperator() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the data validation operator
getOptionButton(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control option button of the given name or shapeId.
getOptionButton(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the control option button of the given index.
getPageX() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the whole document.
getPageX() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the whole document.
getPageY() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the whole document.
getPageY() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the whole document.
getPatternType() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill
Returns pattern type.
getProtection() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Returns the protection.
getRange() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidationValue
Returns the range associated to this data validation.
getRange() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the first range, if any.
getRange(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation from the active worksheet of the active workbook.
getRange(String, String, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation from the given book name with the given sheet name or id.
getRange(String, int, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation from the given book name with the given sheet index.
getRange(int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given row and column for the active worksheet of the active workbook.
getRange(String, String, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given row and column from the given book name and sheet name or id.
getRange(String, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given row and column from the given book name and sheet index.
getRange(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns from the active worksheet of the active workbook.
getRange(String, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns from the given sheet name or id of the given book name.
getRange(String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns from the given sheet index of the given book name.
getRange(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation from the active worksheet.
getRange(String, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation from the given sheet name or id.
getRange(int, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation from the given sheet index.
getRange(int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given row and column from the active worksheet.
getRange(String, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given row and column from the given sheet name or id.
getRange(int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given row and column from the given sheet index.
getRange(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns from the active worksheet.
getRange(String, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns of the worksheet with the given sheet name or id.
getRange(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns of the worksheet at the given sheet index.
getRange(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the range with the given A1 notation or R1C1 notation.
getRange(int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the range with the given row and column.
getRange(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the range with the given row and column with the given number of the rows and columns
getRangeEvent(String, Spreadsheet, String) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
getRangeEvent(String, Spreadsheet, String, Object) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
getRangeKeyEvent(String, Spreadsheet, Map) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
getRanges() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
getRangeSelectEvent(String, Spreadsheet, Map) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeSelectEvent
getRangeValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the first range value from this range.
getRangeValues() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the range values from this range as a List.
getRangeValuesMatrix() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the range values from this range as a matrix(List of List, rows then columns).
getReadingOrder() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns the reading order.
getRegionRangeValuesMatrix() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the range values from the region, the minimum outline area that contains this range, as a matrix(List of List, rows then columns)
getRegionValuesMatrix() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the values from the region, the minimum outline area that contains this range, as a matrix(List of List, rows then columns).
getRelativeIndent() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns the relative indent.
getRight() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getRow() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the row position in the first range.
getRow() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the top row position for this range, 0-based.
getRowCount() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getRowHeight() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the row height of this range in character unit height.
getRowHeightPx() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the row height of this range in pixels.
getRowIndex() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.RangeValue
Returns the row index from this range.
getRows() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the row port of this range.
getRows(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns a Range that is n-th row(0-based) related to the first area of this range and in the range.
getScheme() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the scheme
getSettings() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the settings of this spreadsheet
getShapeId() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns shapeId
getShapeId() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Shape
Returns the shapeId of this shape.
getShapeMouseEvent(String, Spreadsheet, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
getSheetCount() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the count of the worksheets in this workbook.
getSheetEvent(String, Spreadsheet, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
getSheetId() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the uuid of this worksheet.
getSheetName() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
Returns the worksheet name that belongs to this event.
getSheetOrder() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the sheet index of this range.
getSiblingSheetId() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
Returns the siblingSheetId
getSize() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Returns the size of the specified borders.
getSize() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the size
getSpreadsheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the spreadsheet.
getSpreadsheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the spreadsheet client which holds this workbook.
getSpreadsheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the spreadsheet which holds this worksheet.
getStringValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the string value of this cell.
getStyle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Returns the border style.
getStyle() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
getTarget() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the shape target
getTargetHeight() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the height of the target cell.
getTargetHeight() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the height of the target cell.
getTargetWidth() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the width of the target cell.
getTargetWidth() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the width of the target cell.
getTargetX() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the target cell relevant to the whole document.
getTargetX() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the target cell relevant to the whole document.
getTargetY() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the vertical coordinate of the target cell relevant to the whole document.
getTargetY() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the vertical coordinate of the target cell relevant to the whole document.
getText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Button
Returns the text of this button.
getText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Checkbox
Returns the text of this checkbox.
getText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Groupbox
Returns the text of this Groupbox.
getText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.OptionButton
Returns the text of this option button.
getText() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellEditEvent
Returns the text of the editing.
getTextRotation() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns the text rotation
getTextToDisplay() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink
Returns the text to be displayed for this hyperlink.
getThemeColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Returns the border theme color.
getThemeColor() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
getTop() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
getType() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns the data validation type
getType() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellHyperlinkEvent
Returns the link type
getType() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink
Returns the hyperlink type.
getUnderline() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns the underline
getURI(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Return the remote access URI for this client.
getValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns the raw value of this cell.
getValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the first value from this range.
getValue() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.RangeValue
Returns the raw value from this range.
getValues() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the values from this range as a List.
getValuesMatrix() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the values from this range as a matrix(List of List, rows then columns).
getVertical() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns the vertical alignment
getVisible() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
Returns the visibility of this worksheet that belongs to this event.
getVisible() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the visibility of this sheet.
getWinId() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the id of the window view in the keikai's Application.
getWorkbook() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the workbook which holds this range.
getWorkbook() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the active workbook from the remote server.
getWorkbook(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the workbook by the given name from the remote server.
getWorkbook() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns the workbook which holds this worksheet.
getWorksheet() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
Returns the remote worksheet in the first range.
getWorksheet() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
Returns the worksheet that belongs to this event
getWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns the worksheet which holds this range.
getWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the active worksheet of the active workbook from the remote server.
getWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the worksheet of the active workbook by the given sheet index from the remote server.
getWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the worksheet of the active workbook by the given sheet name or id from the remote server.
getWorksheet(String, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the worksheet of the given book name with the given sheet name or id from the remote server.
getWorksheet(String, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns the worksheet of the given book name with the given sheet index from the remote server.
getWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the active worksheet from the remote server.
getWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the worksheet by the given index from the remote server.
getWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Returns the worksheet by the given name from the remote server.
getX() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relevant to the spreadsheet.
getX() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relevant to the spreadsheet.
getY() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relevant to the spreadsheet.
getY() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relevant to the spreadsheet.
Groupbox - Interface in io.keikai.client.api.ctrl
Form control groupbox


HOURS_PER_DAY - Static variable in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Hyperlink - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
Hyperlink for a worksheet
Hyperlink.HyperlinkType - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
HyperlinkType attributes, that can be applied.


importAndReplace(String, InputStream) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Imports and replaces with the given workbook to the spreadsheet.
importAndReplace(String, File) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Imports and replaces with the given workbook to the spreadsheet.
importAndReplace(String, URL) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Imports and replaces with the given workbook to the spreadsheet * This method will delete the previous workbook at remote server.
imports(String, InputStream) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Imports the given workbook to the spreadsheet.
imports(String, File) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Imports the given workbook to the spreadsheet.
imports(String, URL) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Imports the given workbook to the spreadsheet.
insert(Range.InsertShiftDirection, Range.InsertFormatOrigin) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Insert cells to the range
insertWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Inserts a new sheet before the active sheet in the active workbook, with a default name.
insertWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Inserts a new sheet before the active sheet in the active workbook, with a given name.
insertWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Inserts a new sheet at the given index in the active workbook, with a default name.
insertWorksheet() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Inserts a new sheet in the workbook, with a default name.
insertWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Inserts a new sheet in the workbook, with a given name.
insertWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Inserts a new sheet in the workbook at the given index, with a default name.
io.keikai.client - package io.keikai.client
io.keikai.client.api - package io.keikai.client.api
io.keikai.client.api.ctrl - package io.keikai.client.api.ctrl
io.keikai.client.api.event - package io.keikai.client.api.event
io.keikai.client.api.ui - package io.keikai.client.api.ui
io.keikai.util - package io.keikai.util
isADateFormat(int, String) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given a format ID and its format String, will check to see if the format represents a date format or not.
isAltKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns whether the alt key has pressed.
isAltKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
Returns whether the alt key has pressed.
isAltKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns whether the alt key has pressed.
isBlank() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns whether it's a blank cell.
isBold() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the bold or not
isCell() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref
isChecked() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Checkbox
Returns whether the checkbox has checked or not.
isChecked() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.OptionButton
Returns whether the option button has checked or not.
isClosed() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns whether the client is connected or not.
isCondense() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the condense or not
isCtrlKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns whether the ctrl key has pressed.
isCtrlKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
Returns whether the ctrl key has pressed.
isCtrlKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns whether the ctrl key has pressed.
isDisplaySheetGridlines() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Checks whether enables or disables the display sheet grid lines of the active worksheet.
isError() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns whether it's an error value.
isExtend() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the extend or not
isFormula() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns whether it's a formula cell.
isHidden() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Protection
Returns whether is hidden or not.
isHidden() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns whether rows/columns is hidden; note this range must be either rows or columns.
isIgnoreBlank() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns whether to ignore the blank
isImporting(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Returns whether the book name is importing or not.
isInCellDropdown() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns whether to display a drop-down list that contains acceptable values
isInternalDateFormat(int) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given a format ID this will check whether the format represents an internal excel date format or not.
isItalic() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the italic or not
isJustifyLastLine() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns whether enable the justify last line or not
isLocked() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Protection
Returns whether is locked or not.
isMetaKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns whether the meta key has pressed.
isMetaKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
Returns whether the meta key has pressed.
isMetaKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns whether the meta key has pressed.
isNumber() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Returns whether it's a number value.
isOutline() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the outline or not
isProtected() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Returns true if the sheet is protected.
isShadow() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the shadow or not
isSheetProtected() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Returns true if the sheet is protected.
isShiftKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.CellMouseEvent
Returns whether the shift key has pressed.
isShiftKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
Returns whether the shift key has pressed.
isShiftKey() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
Returns whether the shift key has pressed.
isShowError() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns whether to show the error message message whenever the user enters invalid data.
isShowInput() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Returns whether to show the input message whenever the user selects a cell in the data validation range.
isShrinkToFit() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns whether enable the shrink to fit
isStrike() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the strike or not
isSubscript() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the subscript or not
isSuperscript() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Returns whether enable the superscript or not
isText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellValue
Return whether it's a string value.
isValidExcelDate(double) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Given a double, checks if it is a valid Excel date.
isVisible() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Shape
Returns whether the button is visible or not.
isWrapText() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Returns whether enable the wrap text or not


Keikai - Class in io.keikai.client.api
Utilities to access Spreadsheet.
Keikai() - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai


Maps - Class in io.keikai.util
A Map utilities.
Maps() - Constructor for class io.keikai.util.Maps
MAX_COL - Static variable in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
The maximum column size.
MAX_ROW - Static variable in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
The maximum row size.
merge(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Merges the range
MINUTES_PER_HOUR - Static variable in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil


newClient(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Creates a spreadsheet client from the given address
newClient(String, Settings) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Creates a spreadsheet client from the given address and settings.
newClient(String, String) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Creates a spreadsheet client from the given address and app id.
newClient(String, String, Settings) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Create a spreadsheet client from the given address, app id, and settings.
newDataClient(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Creates a data spreadsheet client from the given address.
newDataClient(String, String, Settings) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Create a data spreadsheet client from the given address, app id, and settings.
newHostClient(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Creates a host spreadsheet client from the given address.
newHostClient(String, String, String, Settings) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Creates a host spreadsheet client from the given address, appId, winId, and settings.
NULL_INTEGER - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
The null integer value for current keikai system.
NumberFormat - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A number format interface
numToAbc(int) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
Converts 0-based index to abc.


ON_AUX_ACTION - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_CELL_CLICK - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_CELL_DOUBLE_CLICK - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_CELL_MOUSE_ENTER - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_CELL_MOUSE_LEAVE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_EDIT_CANCEL - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_EDIT_SAVE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_EDIT_START - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_HYPERLINK_CLICK - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_KEY_DOWN - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_KEY_PRESS - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_KEY_UP - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_MOVE_FOCUS - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SELECTION_CHANGE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHAPE_ACTION - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHAPE_CLICK - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_ADD - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_DELETE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_MOVE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_PROTECT - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_RENAME - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
ON_SHEET_VISIBLE - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.api.event.Events
onConnect() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ui.UiActivity
Calls when the UI client has connected.
onDisconnect() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ui.UiActivity
Calls when the UI client had disconnected.
onEvent(T) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEventListener
OptionButton - Interface in io.keikai.client.api.ctrl
Form control option button


parseYYYYMMDDDate(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
Converts a string of format "YYYY/MM/DD" to its (Excel) numeric equivalent
pasteSpecial(Range, Range.PasteType, Range.PasteSpecialOperation, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Pastes a range to the destination range
protect(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Protects this sheet so that it cannot be modified.
Protection - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A protection object to represents a locked and hidden states for a CellStyle.
protectSheet(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Protects a worksheet so that it cannot be modified.


Range - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A range can be a single cell or a range of cells in a worksheet.
Range.AutoFillType - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
AutoFillType attributes, that can be applied.
Range.AutoFilterOperator - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
AutoFilterOperator attributes, that can be applied.
Range.DeleteShiftDirection - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
DeleteShiftDirection attributes, that can be applied.
Range.InsertFormatOrigin - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
InsertFormatOrigin attributes, that can be applied.
Range.InsertShiftDirection - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
InsertShiftDirection attributes, that can be applied.
Range.PasteSpecialOperation - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
PasteSpecialOperation attributes, that can be applied.
Range.PasteType - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
PasteType attributes, that can be applied.
Range.SortDataOption - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
SortDataOption attributes, that can be applied.
Range.SortOrder - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
SortOrder attributes, that can be applied.
Range.SortOrientation - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
SortOrientation attributes, that can be applied.
Range.YesNoGuess - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
YesNoGuess attributes, that can be applied.
RangeEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
A range event is sent when a user interacts with the UI
RangeEvent(String, Set<Range>, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
RangeEventListener<T extends RangeEvent> - Interface in io.keikai.client.api.event
RangeKeyEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
A key event sent when a user press a key on the UI client.
RangeKeyEvent(String, Set<Range>, int, int, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeKeyEvent
RangeSelectEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
A selection event sent when a user select a range on the UI client.
RangeSelectEvent(String, Set<Range>, Range, Range, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeSelectEvent
rangeToA1(int, int) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
Converts a range to A1 notation.
rangeToRef(int, int) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
RangeValue<T> - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A range value (Immutable)
Ref - Class in io.keikai.util
Ref is a reference for cell or range with 4 value : top(top row), left(left column), bottom(last row) and right(last column).
refToA1(Ref) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
remove(Settings.Key) - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
removeAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<Button>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Button
Removes an action for this button.
removeAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<Checkbox>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Checkbox
Removes an action for this checkbox.
removeAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<OptionButton>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Groupbox
Removes an action for this Groupbox when option button has checked.
removeAction(RangeEventListener<? extends ShapeMouseEvent<OptionButton>>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.OptionButton
Removes an action for this option button.
removeEventListener(String, RangeEventListener<? extends RangeEvent>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Removes the event listener
removeExceptionHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Removes the given exception handler from this spreadsheet.
removeMeta(Object) - Static method in class io.keikai.client.api.Keikai
Removes the value in the meta from the given key.
rename(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Renames the sheet name.


SECONDS_PER_DAY - Static variable in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
SECONDS_PER_MINUTE - Static variable in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
set(Settings.Key, Object) - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
setActiveWorkbook(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Makes the active workbook from the given name.
setActiveWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the active worksheet of the active workbook with the given index.
setActiveWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the active worksheet of the active workbook with the given sheet name or id.
setActiveWorksheet(String, String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the active worksheet of the given book name with the given sheet name or id.
setActiveWorksheet(String, int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the active worksheet of the given book name with the given sheet index.
setActiveWorksheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Makes the active worksheet from the given name.
setActiveWorksheet(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Workbook
Makes the active worksheet from the given sheet index.
setAddress(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink
Sets the address of the target document.
setAlertStyle(DataValidation.AlertStyle) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the alert style.
setAlignment(Alignment) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the alignment
setAutoFill(Range, Range.AutoFillType) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
According to current range, fills data to destination range automatically
setAutoFilter(int, Object, Range.AutoFilterOperator, Object, boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the auto filter to this range.
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill
Sets background color
setBold(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the bold or not
setBorder(Borders.BorderIndex, Border) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Sets the border to the given border index.
setBorder(Borders.BorderIndex, Border) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the single border with the given border index
setBorders(Borders) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the borders collection, this will replace the existing borders, if any.
setBorders(Borders) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the borders for this range.
setCalendar(Calendar, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.DateUtil
setCellStyle(CellStyle) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the cell style.
setCharset(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the charset
setColor(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Sets the border color.
setColor(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Sets the border color index
setColor(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Sets the border color.
setColor(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Sets the border color index.
setColor(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the color
setColor(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Stop
setColumnWidth(double) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the column width of this range in character unit width.
setColumnWidthPx(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the column width of this range in pixels.
setCondense(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the condense or not
setDataValidation(DataValidation) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the data dataValidation
setDisplaySheetGridlines(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets to enable or disable the display sheet grid lines of the active worksheet.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the error message.
setErrorTitle(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the title of the data validation error dialog box.
setExtend(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the extend or not
setFamily(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the family
setFill(Fill) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the fill
setFill(Fill) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the fill to this range.
setFont(Font) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the font
setFont(Font) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the font to this range.
setForegroundColor(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill
Sets foreground color
setFormat(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.NumberFormat
Sets the format
setFormula1(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the formula1 expression.
setFormula2(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the formula2 expression.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Protection
Sets to be hidden or not.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets whether rows/columns is hidden; note this range must be either rows or columns.
setHorizontal(Alignment.Horizontal) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets the horizontal alignment
setHorizontalAlignment(Alignment.Horizontal) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the horizontal alignment for the given range.
setHyperlink(Hyperlink) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the given hyperlink to this range.
setIgnoreBlank(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets to ignore the blank
setInCellDropdown(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets to display a drop-down list that contains acceptable values
setIndent(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets the indent, starting from 0
setInputMessage(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the input message.
setInputTitle(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the title of the data validation input dialog box.
setItalic(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the italic or not
setJustifyLastLine(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets to enable/disable the justify last line
setLeftheadWidth(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the left head panel width, must large then 0.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Protection
Sets to be locked or not.
setName(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the name
setNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the number format.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the number format to this range.
setOperator(DataValidation.Operator) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the data validation operator
setOutline(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the outline or not
setPatternType(Fill.PatternFill.PatternType) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill
Sets pattern type
setPivotButton(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets to enable or disable the pivot button
setPosition(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Stop
setProtection(Protection) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets the protection.
setQuotePrefix(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.CellStyle
Sets to enable or disable the quote prefix.
setReadingOrder(Alignment.ReadingOrder) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets the reading order.
setRelativeIndent(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets the relative indent.
setRowHeight(double) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the row height of this range in character unit height.
setRowHeightPx(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the row height of this range in pixels.
setScheme(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the scheme
setShadow(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the shadow or not
setSheetOrder(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Applies the sheet order to the given index.
setSheetVisible(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the visibility of this active worksheet.
setShowError(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets to show the error message message whenever the user enters invalid data.
setShowInput(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets to show the input message whenever the user selects a cell in the data validation range.
setShrinkToFit(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets to enable/disable the shrink to fit
setSize(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the size
setStrike(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
sets to enable the strike or not
setStyle(Border.Style) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Sets the border style.
setStyle(Border.Style) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Sets the border style.
setSubscript(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the subscript or not
setSuperscript(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets to enable the superscript or not
setText(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Button
Sets the text of this button.
setText(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Checkbox
Sets the text of this checkbox.
setText(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.Groupbox
Sets the text of this Groupbox.
setText(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.ctrl.OptionButton
Sets the text of this option button.
setTextRotation(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets the text rotation in degree, e.g setTextRotation(90) means to rotate a text in 90 degrees clockwise.
setTextToDisplay(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink
Sets the text to be displayed for this hyperlink.
setThemeColor(Border.ThemeColor) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Border
Sets the border theme color.
setThemeColor(Border.ThemeColor) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Borders
Sets the border theme color.
Settings - Class in io.keikai.client.api
A Keikai Spreadsheet client settings
Settings() - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
Settings(EnumMap) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.Settings
Settings.Key - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
The setting keys
setTopheadHeight(int) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets the top head panel height, must large then 0.
setType(DataValidation.Type) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation
Sets the data validation type
setUiActivityCallback(UiActivity) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets a callback for UI client's activity.
setUnderline(Font.Underline) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Font
Sets the underline
setUserActionEnabled(AuxAction, boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
Sets to enable or disable the given user action.
setValue(T) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the range value.
setValues(T...) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the range values.
setVertical(Alignment.Vertical) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
Sets the vertical alignment
setVerticalAlignment(Alignment.Vertical) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets the vertical alignment.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Shape
Sets to show or hide the shape.
setVisible(Worksheet.Visibility) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Sets the visibility of this sheet.
setWrapText(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Alignment
enable/disable the wrapped text
setWrapText(boolean) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sets to enable or disable the wrap text.
Shape - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A shape interface
ShapeMouseEvent<T extends Shape> - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
Event that carries mouse x,y information and shape information on click
ShapeMouseEvent(String, Set<Range>, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, T, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.ShapeMouseEvent
SheetEvent - Class in io.keikai.client.api.event
SheetEvent that affected the whole sheet.
SheetEvent(String, KSpreadsheet, String, String, String, String, String, int, Object) - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
sort(Range, Range.SortOrder, Range, Range.SortOrder, Range, Range.SortOrder, Range.YesNoGuess, boolean, Range.SortOrientation, Range.SortDataOption, Range.SortDataOption, Range.SortDataOption) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Sort values in this range with given options.
Spreadsheet - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A Keikai Spreadsheet client interface.
Stop - Interface in io.keikai.client.api


toJSON(Object) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Converter
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.Horizontal
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.ReadingOrder
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.Vertical
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Border.Style
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Border.ThemeColor
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Borders.BorderIndex
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.AlertStyle
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.Operator
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.Type
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill.PatternType
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Font.Underline
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink.HyperlinkType
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.AutoFillType
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.AutoFilterOperator
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.DeleteShiftDirection
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.InsertFormatOrigin
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.InsertShiftDirection
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.PasteSpecialOperation
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.PasteType
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortDataOption
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortOrder
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortOrientation
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.YesNoGuess
toJSONString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet.Visibility
toMap(Object...) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Maps
toRGBString(String) - Static method in class io.keikai.util.Colors
Converts from ARGB(Keikai) to RGB(Java) color string (and converts to upper case).
toString() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.RangeEvent
toString() - Method in class io.keikai.client.api.event.SheetEvent
toString() - Method in enum io.keikai.client.api.ui.AuxAction
toString() - Method in class io.keikai.util.Ref


UiActivity - Interface in io.keikai.client.api.ui
Used to receive the activity status of Dart UI client
UID - Static variable in class io.keikai.client.Version
unfreezePanes() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
un-freeze the panes.
unfreezePanes() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Spreadsheet
un-freezes the panes of the active worksheet.
unmerge() - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Unmerge the range.
unprotect(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet
Removes protection to this sheet.
unprotectSheet(String) - Method in interface io.keikai.client.api.Range
Removes protection from a sheet.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.Horizontal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.ReadingOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.Vertical
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Border.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Border.ThemeColor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Borders.BorderIndex
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.AlertStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.Operator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill.PatternType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Font.Underline
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink.HyperlinkType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.AutoFillType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.AutoFilterOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.DeleteShiftDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.InsertFormatOrigin
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.InsertShiftDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.PasteSpecialOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.PasteType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortDataOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.YesNoGuess
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Settings.Key
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.ui.AuxAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet.Visibility
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.Horizontal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.ReadingOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Alignment.Vertical
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Border.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Border.ThemeColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Borders.BorderIndex
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.AlertStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.Operator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.DataValidation.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Fill.PatternFill.PatternType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Font.Underline
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Hyperlink.HyperlinkType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.AutoFillType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.AutoFilterOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.DeleteShiftDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.InsertFormatOrigin
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.InsertShiftDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.PasteSpecialOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.PasteType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortDataOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.SortOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Range.YesNoGuess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Settings.Key
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.ui.AuxAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.keikai.client.api.Worksheet.Visibility
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version - Class in io.keikai.client
Version() - Constructor for class io.keikai.client.Version


Workbook - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A workbook represents a book in a spreadsheet.
Worksheet - Interface in io.keikai.client.api
A worksheet represents a sheet in a workbook.
Worksheet.Visibility - Enum in io.keikai.client.api
Visibility attributes that can be applied.
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