Class BookHelper

  • public final class BookHelper
    extends Object
    Helper for XSSF and HSSF book handling
    Hawk, Kuro
    • Constructor Detail

      • BookHelper

        public BookHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getRowFreeze

        public static int getRowFreeze​(Sheet sheet)
        gets the row freeze, 1 base
      • getColumnFreeze

        public static int getColumnFreeze​(Sheet sheet)
        gets the column freeze, 1 base
      • isFreezePane

        public static boolean isFreezePane​(Sheet sheet)
      • colorToForegroundHTML

        public static String colorToForegroundHTML​(Workbook book,
                                                   Color color)
      • colorToBackgroundHTML

        public static String colorToBackgroundHTML​(Workbook book,
                                                   Color color)
      • getRgbWithSchemeTint

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeTint​(byte[] rgb,
                                                  double tint)
      • getRgbWithSchemeShade

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeShade​(byte[] rgb,
                                                   double shade)
      • getRgbWithSchemeHueMod

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeHueMod​(byte[] rgb,
                                                    double hueMod)
      • getRgbWithSchemeSat

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeSat​(byte[] rgb,
                                                 double newSat)
      • getRgbWithSchemeSatOff

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeSatOff​(byte[] rgb,
                                                    double satOff)
      • getRgbWithSchemeSatMod

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeSatMod​(byte[] rgb,
                                                    double satMod)
      • getRgbWithSchemeLum

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeLum​(byte[] rgb,
                                                 double newLum)
      • getRgbWithSchemeLumOff

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeLumOff​(byte[] rgb,
                                                    double lumOff)
      • getRgbWithSchemeLumMod

        public static byte[] getRgbWithSchemeLumMod​(byte[] rgb,
                                                    double lumMod)
      • getRgbWithTint

        public static byte[] getRgbWithTint​(byte[] rgb,
                                            double tint)
      • toHex

        public static String toHex​(int num)
      • setLeftBorderColor

        public static void setLeftBorderColor​(CellStyle style,
                                              Color color)
      • setRightBorderColor

        public static void setRightBorderColor​(CellStyle style,
                                               Color color)
      • setTopBorderColor

        public static void setTopBorderColor​(CellStyle style,
                                             Color color)
      • setBottomBorderColor

        public static void setBottomBorderColor​(CellStyle style,
                                                Color color)
      • setFillForegroundColor

        public static void setFillForegroundColor​(CellStyle newCellStyle,
                                                  Color xlsColor)
      • setFillBackgroundColor

        public static void setFillBackgroundColor​(CellStyle newCellStyle,
                                                  Color xlsColor)
      • setFontColor

        public static void setFontColor​(Workbook book,
                                        Font font,
                                        Color color)