Class UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException
    extends HPSFException

    This exception is thrown if a certain type of property set is expected (e.g. a Document Summary Information) but the provided property set is not of that type.

    The constructors of this class are analogous to those of its superclass and documented there.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException

        public UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException​(String msg)

        Creates an UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException with a message string.

        msg - The message string.
      • UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException

        public UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException​(Throwable reason)

        Creates a new UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException with a reason.

        reason - The reason, i.e. a throwable that indirectly caused this exception.
      • UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException

        public UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException​(String msg,
                                                  Throwable reason)

        Creates an UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException with a message string and a reason.

        msg - The message string.
        reason - The reason, i.e. a throwable that indirectly caused this exception.