Class ContinuableRecord

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContinuableRecord

        protected ContinuableRecord()
    • Method Detail

      • serialize

        protected abstract void serialize​(ContinuableRecordOutput out)
        Serializes this record's content to the supplied data output.

        The standard BIFF header (ushort sid, ushort size) has been handled by the superclass, so only BIFF data should be written by this method. Simple data types can be written with the standard LittleEndianOutput methods. Methods from ContinuableRecordOutput can be used to serialize strings (with ContinueRecords being written as required). If necessary, implementors can explicitly start ContinueRecords (regardless of the amount of remaining space).

        out - a data output stream
      • getRecordSize

        public final int getRecordSize()
        Description copied from class: RecordBase
        gives the current serialized size of the record. Should include the sid and reclength (4 bytes).
        Specified by:
        getRecordSize in class RecordBase
        the total length of the encoded record(s) (Note - if any ContinueRecord is required, this result includes the size of those too)
      • serialize

        public final int serialize​(int offset,
                                   byte[] data)
        Description copied from class: RecordBase
        called by the class that is responsible for writing this sucker. Subclasses should implement this so that their data is passed back in a byte array.
        Specified by:
        serialize in class RecordBase
        offset - to begin writing at
        data - byte array containing instance data
        number of bytes written