training · Apr 30, 2020

[Live Training] Master Keikai Spreadsheet with Examples

Jean Yen
Marketing, Keikai.

Keikai Spreadsheet is a modern & fast ajax web spreadsheet component that brings Excel functionalities into your web application. It is typically used for converting existing Excel files into web, integrating with DB and services, data processing, reporting and online collaboration.

Keikai Training Session on May 7th

This session is designed for Java developers interested in using Web Spreadsheet components. In this session we will walk you through 2 examples and talk about the API usages, event handling and other useful tips. Here are some of the highlights of the session:

  • Overview
  • Create a custom report generator with Keikai
    • handling symbols and events
    • cloning sheets
  • Build a spreadsheet-driven App with Keikai
    • templating with Excel files
    • using named range

Training Details

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions and we look forward to meeting you soon!