news · Feb 18, 2021

Case Study: Azquo

Susan Yang
Marketing, Keikai.

About Azquo

Azquo is a ground-breaking BI tool that saves time and resources by combining processing, calculation and analytics in a single platform which integrates seamlessly with Excel.

Keikai x Azquo

Our main interface is spreadsheet based. We are developing an Office 365 add-in for Excel but most of the use is via Keikai Spreadsheet online. We have been using Keikai and its predecessor ZK Spreadsheet for over five years. Notable customers who use the Azquo platform are Joe Brown’s, an online clothes retailer, and Ed Broking, an insurance broker based in the City of London.

“We believe Keikai is the best online Java based spreadsheet interface”

"While our main concern was getting the spreadsheet interface, it was useful to be able to also leverage other ZK components where we wished to enhance the UI"

"The support team was helpful in responding fast to bugs and adding required features e.g. conditional formatting."

Read the full case study here!