news · Mar 25, 2021

Keikai 5.7.0 now available

Michelle Chen
Marketing, Keikai.

Dear all,

Keikai Spreadsheet is a modern & fast ajax web spreadsheet component that brings Excel functionalities into your web application.

Keikai 5.7.0 is an updated release with more than 20 enhancements. Highlighted features include supporting column width autofit and enhanced conditional formatting features like reference a cell from another sheet and support showing mixed-group iconSets.

Other highlighted features & improvements include:

  • KEIKAI-395 - conditional formatting can reference a cell from another sheet
  • KEIKAI-416 - support column width autofit
  • KEIKAI-448 - support showing mixed-group iconSets in conditional formatting

We hope you find these enhancements useful to your project.

For a full list of changes, check out the release note here!

Feel free to provide us with your feedback. If you are new to Keikai feel free to drop us a note at

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you again soon.