All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortableHSSFListener |
Abstract class for use with the HSSFRequest and HSSFEventFactory, which
allows for the halting of processing.
Abstract2DCellDataStyleAction |
abstract class handle src and destination content/style reservation
AbstractAutoFilterAdv |
AbstractAutoFilterAdv.FilterColumnImpl |
AbstractBookAdv |
AbstractBookHandler |
AbstractBookSeriesAdv |
AbstractBorderAdv |
AbstractBorderLineAdv |
AbstractCellAdv |
AbstractCellDataStyleAction |
abstract class handle src content/style reservation
AbstractCellHandler |
AbstractCellStyleAdv |
AbstractChartAdv |
AbstractChartAxisAdv |
AbstractChartAxisAdv.Crosses |
AbstractChartAxisAdv.Orientation |
AbstractChartAxisAdv.Position |
AbstractChartAxisAdv.TickLabelPosition |
AbstractChartAxisAdv.TickMark |
AbstractColorAdv |
AbstractColorStyle |
Helper class for ColorStyle - not part of the API / implementation may change any time
AbstractColumnArrayAdv |
AbstractCommand |
Abstract command.
AbstractCommentAdv |
AbstractCommentHandler |
AbstractContext |
AbstractDataValidationAdv |
AbstractEditTextAction |
AbstractEscherHolderRecord |
The escher container record is used to hold escher records.
AbstractEscherOptRecord |
AbstractExcelExporter |
Common exporting behavior for both XLSX and XLS.
AbstractExcelImporter |
Contains common importing behavior for XLS.
AbstractExporter |
Defines common behaviors for an exporter.
AbstractFillAdv |
AbstractFilterHandler |
AbstractFontAdv |
AbstractFontBuilderAdv |
AbstractFunctionPtg |
This class provides the base functionality for Excel sheet functions
There are two kinds of function Ptgs - tFunc and tFuncVar
Therefore, this class will have ONLY two subclasses
AbstractGeneralChartDataAdv |
Handle formula caching for chart category data.
AbstractHandler |
AbstractHyperlinkAdv |
AbstractImporter |
AbstractNameAdv |
AbstractObjectHandler |
AbstractPasteSpecialHandler |
AbstractPictureAdv |
AbstractProtectedHandler |
AbstractRichTextAdv |
AbstractRowAdv |
AbstractSeriesAdv |
Handle formula caching for chart series data.
AbstractSheetAdv |
AbstractSheetHandler |
AbstractTableAdv |
AbstractTableColumnAdv |
AbstractTableStyleAdv |
AbstractTableStyleInfoAdv |
AbstractUndoableAction |
Action |
A interface to do action in zk context in a JSF action
ActionBridge |
The bridge to wrap and execute a Action inside zk context
ActionBridgeImpl |
Implement of action bridge
ActionHelper |
ActiveRangeHelper |
keep track of the currently visible area of the only 1 active sheet, visible to end-users in a browser.
AddColumnHandler |
AddNode |
AddPtg |
Addition operator PTG the "+" binomial operator.
Address |
Creates a text reference as text, given specified row and column numbers.
AddRowHandler |
AddSheetHandler |
AdjustHandle |
AdjustPoint |
Java class for CT_AdjPoint2D complex type.
AdjustPointIf |
AdjustValue |
Represents a shape adjust values (see section in the spec)
AdjustValueIf |
AggregatedAction |
AggregateFunction |
AggregatingUDFFinder |
Collects add-in libraries and VB macro functions together into one UDF finder
AgileDecryptor |
Decryptor implementation for Agile Encryption
AgileEncryptionHeader |
AgileEncryptionInfoBuilder |
AgileEncryptionVerifier |
Used when checking if a key is valid for a document
AgileEncryptor |
AnalysisToolPak |
Analysis Toolpack Function Definitions
AndNode |
ApplyBorderHandler |
ApplyFilterHandler |
ArcToCommand |
ArcTo command within a shape path in DrawingML:
<arcTo wR="wr" hR="hr" stAng="stAng" swAng="swAng"/>
ArcToCommandIf |
Area2DPtgBase |
Common superclass of 2-D area refs
Area3DPtg |
Area 3D Ptg - 3D reference (Sheet + Area)
Area3DPxg |
XSSF Area 3D Reference (Sheet + Area)
AreaChartDataImpl |
AreaErrPtg |
AreaErr - handles deleted cell area references.
AreaEval |
Evaluation of 2D (Row+Column) and 3D (Sheet+Row+Column) areas
AreaEvalBase |
AreaEvalHelper |
Formula Area evaluation helper class.
AreaFormatRecord |
The area format record is used to define the colours and patterns for an area.
AreaI |
Common interface for AreaPtg and Area3DPtg, and their child classes.
AreaI.OffsetArea |
AreaNPtg |
Specifies a rectangular area of cells A1:A4 for instance.
AreaPtg |
Specifies a rectangular area of cells A1:A4 for instance.
AreaPtgBase |
Specifies a rectangular area of cells A1:A4 for instance.
AreaRecord |
The area record is used to define an area chart.
AreaRef |
A class that represents an area reference with 4 value :
row(top row), column(left column), last row(bottom row) and last column(right column)
AreaReference |
AreaRefNode |
AreaRefWithType |
A class that represents an area reference with 4 value :
row(top row), column(left column), last row(bottom row) and last column(right column)
and an extra selection type.
Areas |
Returns the number of areas in a reference.
Array |
ArrayColumnsNode |
ArrayEval |
Constant value array eval.
ArrayFunction |
Common Interface for any excel built-in function that has implemented array formula functionality.
ArrayMode |
Interface for those functions that evaluate arguments in array mode depending on context.
ArrayPtg |
ArrayPtg - handles arrays
The ArrayPtg is a little weird, the size of the Ptg when parsing initially only
includes the Ptg sid and the reserved bytes.
ArrayRecord |
ARRAY (0x0221)
ArrayUtil |
Utility classes for dealing with arrays.
AttrPtg |
"Special Attributes"
AttrPtg.SpaceType |
AuAddWidget |
A AuResponse(server to client) for handling Data block updating.
AuCellAutoFitHeight |
A AuCellAutoFitHeight(server to client) to auto fit specific cell
AuCellFocus |
A AuSelection(server to client) for handling cell focus
AuCellFocusTo |
AuDataBlock |
A AuResponse(server to client) for handling Data block updating.
AuDataUpdate |
AuHighlight |
A AuSelection(server to client) for handling selection
AuInsertRowColumn |
AuMergeCell |
AuRedrawWidget |
A AuRedrawWidget(server to client) for handling redraw widget
AuRemoveRowColumn |
AuRetrieveFocus |
A AuResponse(server to client) for handling cell updating.
AuSelection |
A AuSelection(server to client) for handling selection
AutoClosableDocument |
AutoFillCellAction |
AutoFillHandler |
AutoFillHelper |
To help data filling.
AutoFilter |
Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
AutoFilterHelper |
AutoFilterImpl |
The auto fitler implement
AutoFilterInfoRecord |
The AutoFilterInfo record specifies the number of columns that have AutoFilter enabled
and indicates the beginning of the collection of AutoFilter records.
AutoFilterUpdate |
Keep the information of Table/Sheet filter change
AutoNumberingScheme |
AutoShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
AuUpdateData |
AuxAction |
AuxActionCommand |
AuxActionEvent |
AverageIf |
Handler for singular AverageIf which has different operand handling than
the generic AverageIfs version.
Averageifs |
Implementation for the Excel function AVERAGEIFS
AxisLineFormatRecord |
The axis line format record defines the axis type details.
AxisOptionsRecord |
The axis options record provides unit information and other various tidbits about the axis.
AxisParentRecord |
The axis size and location
AxisRecord |
The axis record defines the type of an axis.
AxisUsedRecord |
The number of axes used on a chart.
BackColorHandler |
Background<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
BackupRecord |
Boolean specifying whether the GUI should store a backup of the file.
BarChartDataImpl |
BarRecord |
The bar record is used to define a bar chart.
Base64Coder |
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
BaseFormulaEvaluator |
Common functionality across file formats for evaluating formula cells.
BaseMatch2 |
BaseNumberUtils |
Some utils for converting from and to any base
BaseRowColShifter |
Class for code common to RowShifter and ColumnShifter
Helper for shifting rows up or down and columns left and right
BaseWidget |
BATBlock |
A block of block allocation table entries.
BATBlock.BATBlockAndIndex |
BATManaged |
This interface defines behaviors for objects managed by the Block
Allocation Table (BAT).
BeginRecord |
The begin record defines the start of a block of records for a (graphing
data object.
BeginsWith |
BesselJ |
Implementation for Excel BESSELJ() function.
Beta |
Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to
incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
Biff8DecryptingStream |
Biff8EncryptionKey |
BiffHeaderInput |
Bin2Dec |
Implementation for Excel Bin2Dec() function.
BinaryRC4Decryptor |
BinaryRC4EncryptionHeader |
BinaryRC4EncryptionInfoBuilder |
BinaryRC4EncryptionVerifier |
BinaryRC4Encryptor |
BitField |
Manage operations dealing with bit-mapped fields.
BitFieldFactory |
Returns immutable Bitfield instances.
BitmapImageRenderer |
For now this class renders only images supported by the javax.imageio.ImageIO framework.
BlankEval |
This class is a marker class.
BlankRecord |
Represents a column in a row with no value but with styling.
BlankStep |
Copy blank to destination
Blob |
BlockStore |
This abstract class describes a way to read, store, chain
and free a series of blocks (be they Big or Small ones)
BlockSyncCommand |
A Command (client to server) to set the visible area and loading area with 2 rows and 2 column 0-based indexes (left, top, right, bottom).
BlockWritable |
An interface for persisting block storage of POIFS components.
BOFRecord |
Somewhat of a misnomer, its used for the beginning of a set of records that
have a particular purpose or subject.
BOFRecordAggregate |
Aggregation of bof
Book |
This interface provides entry to access Spreadsheet's data model.
Book.BookType |
BookBoolRecord |
Contains a flag specifying whether the Gui should save externally linked values from other workbooks.
BookCleaner |
clear book after desktop cleanup, to clean listener that register to a
BookExtRecord |
[MS-XLS].pdf 2.4.23 BookExt page 203
properties of a workbook file
BookHelper |
Helper for XSSF and HSSF book handling
BookImpl |
BookImpl |
BookInfo |
Book information
BookManager |
BookManagerEx |
BookManagerImpl |
BookProvider |
The provider interface for providing a book in jsp or servlet.
BookRepository |
Books |
Contains factory methods to create a Book .
BookSeriesBuilder |
The book series builder which accepts multiple Book objects makes each of them can reference cells from other books.
BookSeriesBuilderImpl |
A default implementation
BookSeriesImpl |
BooleanFunction |
Here are the general rules concerning Boolean functions:
Blanks are ignored (not either true or false)
Strings are ignored if part of an area ref or cell ref, otherwise they must be 'true' or 'false'
Numbers: 0 is false.
BoolErrRecord |
Creates new BoolErrRecord.
BoolEval |
BoolNode |
BoolPtg |
Boolean (boolean) Stores a (java) boolean value in a formula.
BorderBuilderImpl |
BorderExtent |
The enumeration value indicating which borders to draw in a Property Template
BorderFormatting |
Border Formatting Block of the Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
BorderFormatting |
High level representation for Border Formatting component
of Conditional Formatting settings
BorderHelper |
BorderImpl |
Deprecated. |
BorderLineImpl |
Deprecated. |
Borders |
Borders.Border |
Borders.BorderPr |
BorderStyle |
The enumeration value indicating the line style of a border in a cell,
i.e., whether it is bordered dash dot, dash dot dot, dashed, dotted, double, hair, medium,
medium dash dot, medium dash dot dot, medium dashed, none, slant dash dot, thick or thin.
BottomMarginRecord |
Record for the bottom margin.
BoundSheetRecord |
Defines a sheet within a workbook.
BracketNode |
BridgeFix |
// Workaround for ZK-1990 Can't get expected Local in Bridge
BubbleChartDataImpl |
BuiltinFormats |
Utility to identify built-in formats.
BuiltInStyle |
ByteArrayBackedDataSource |
ByteField |
representation of a byte (8-bit) field at a fixed location within a
byte array
CacheAreaEval |
Provides holding structure for temporary values in arrays during the evaluation process.
CalcCountRecord |
Specifies the maximum times the gui should perform a formula recalculation.
CalcModeRecord |
Tells the gui whether to calculate formulas automatically, manually or automatically except for tables.
CalendarFieldFunction |
Implementation of Excel functions Date parsing functions:
Date - DAY, MONTH and YEAR
CalendarUtil |
CalendarUtilImpl |
CategoryAxisImpl |
CategoryAxisImpl.LabelAlign |
CategorySeriesAxisRecord |
This record refers to a category or series axis and is used to specify label/tickmark frequency.
CatLabRecord |
CATLAB - Category Labels (0x0856)
CeilingMath |
Implementation for Excel CEILING.MATH() function.
CeilingPrecise |
Implementation for Excel CEILING.PRECISE() function.
Cell |
Cell |
High level representation of a cell in a row of a spreadsheet.
CellAddress |
This class is a container for POI usermodel row=0 column=0 cell references.
CellAreaEvent |
Event class about selection of cell
CellAttribute |
Specify which attribute is to be updated.
CellBase |
Common implementation-independent logic shared by all implementations of Cell .
CellBorderAction |
CellBuffer |
a help class to hold cell data and apply to another
CellCommentAction |
CellCopyContext |
Used when the cells are being copied from one workbook to another.
CellCopyPolicy |
CellCopyPolicy.Builder |
CellData |
This interface provides access to "data" part of a cell including type, text, and value.
CellData.CellType |
The cell type
CellDataImpl |
CellDateFormatter |
Formats a date value.
CellDisplayLoader |
CellDisplayLoaderImpl |
CellEditTextAction |
CellElapsedFormatter |
This class implements printing out an elapsed time format.
CellEvent |
Event regarding a cell in a sheet.
CellFetchCommand |
A Command (client to server) for fetch data back
CellFetchCommandHelper |
A Command Helper for (client to server) for fetch data back
CellFilterEvent |
A class from handle event which about mouse event on a filter.
CellFocusedCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling cell focused event
CellFormat |
Format a value according to the standard Excel behavior.
CellFormatCondition |
This object represents a condition in a cell format.
CellFormatHelper |
CellFormatPart |
Objects of this class represent a single part of a cell format expression.
CellFormatResult |
This object contains the result of applying a cell format or cell format part
to a value.
CellFormatter |
This is the abstract supertype for the various cell formatters.
CellFormatType |
The different kinds of formats that the formatter understands.
CellGeneralFormatter |
A formatter for the default "General" cell format.
CellHandler |
Represents callback for CellWalk traverse method.
CellHyperlinkEvent |
Event when end user click on the hyperlink of a cell (used with onCellHyperlink event).
CellImpl |
CellMatch |
Use to check if a cell's value match the specified CustomFilter
CellMatch2 |
Use to check if a cell's value match the specified condition (used in ConditionalFormatting)
CellMouseCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling user(client) start editing a cell
CellMouseEvent |
A class from handle event which about mouse event on a cell
CellMultipleSelectionEvent |
Event class about selection of cell
CellNumberFormatter |
This class implements printing out a value using a number format.
CellNumberPartHandler |
Internal helper class for CellNumberFormatter
CellNumberStringMod |
Internal helper class for CellNumberFormatter
This class represents a single modification to a result string.
CellOperationUtil |
The utility to help UI to deal with user's cell operation of a Range .
CellOperationUtil.CellStyleApplier |
Interface for help apply cell style
CellOperationUtil.CellStyleApplierEx |
Interface for help apply whole row,column style
CellRange<C extends Cell> |
Represents a rectangular region of a Sheet
CellRangeAddress |
See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'
CellRangeAddress8Bit |
See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'
CellRangeAddressBase |
See OOO documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 - 'Cell Range Address'
CellRangeAddressBase.CellPosition |
Indicates a cell or range is in the given relative position in a range.
CellRangeAddressList |
Implementation of the cell range address lists,like is described
in's Excel Documentation: excelfileformat.pdf sec 2.5.14 -
'Cell Range Address List'
In BIFF8 there is a common way to store absolute cell range address lists in
several records (not formulas).
CellRangeUtil |
CellRecord |
CellRef |
A class that represents a cell position with 2 value : row and column
CellReference |
Common conversion functions between Excel style A1, C27 style
cell references, and POI usermodel style row=0, column=0
style references.
CellReference.NameType |
Used to classify identifiers found in formulas as cell references or not.
CellReferenceType |
Types of cell references.
CellRegion |
An immutable object that represents a block of cells with 4 indexes which are first and last row index, first and last column index.
CellRichTextAction |
CellSelectionAction |
CellSelectionCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling cell selection
CellSelectionEvent |
Event class about selection of cell
CellSelectionType |
CellSelectionUpdateCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling cell selection
CellSelectionUpdateEvent |
Event about selection update of cells
CellStyle |
This interface provides access to "style" part of a cell including alignment, border, font, formant, and color.
CellStyle |
CellStyle.Alignment |
The horizontal alignment
CellStyle.BorderType |
The border type
CellStyle.Builder |
Cell style builder to create the cell style
CellStyle.FillPattern |
The fill pattern
CellStyle.VerticalAlignment |
The vertical alignment
CellStyleAction |
CellStyleBuilderImpl |
CellStyleBuilderImpl |
CellStyleHolder |
the style holder interface
CellStyleImpl |
CellStyleImpl |
Deprecated. |
CellStyleMatcher |
This class can be used to match a SCellStyle with a criteria.
CellTextFormatter |
This class implements printing out text.
CellType |
CellUtil |
Various utility functions that make working with a cells and rows easier.
CellValue |
CellValue |
Mimics the 'data view' of a cell.
CellValueHelper |
CellValueRecordInterface |
The cell value record interface is implemented by all classes of type Record that
contain cell values.
CellVisitor |
The visitor to help you to visit cells of a Range .
CellWalk |
Traverse cell range.
CellWalkContext |
CellXfs |
CertificateKeyEncryptor |
CFHeader12Record |
Conditional Formatting Header v12 record CFHEADER12 (0x0879),
for conditional formattings introduced in Excel 2007 and newer.
CFHeaderBase |
CFHeaderRecord |
Conditional Formatting Header record CFHEADER (0x01B0).
CFIconImpl |
CFRecordsAggregate |
CFRecordsAggregate - aggregates Conditional Formatting records CFHeaderRecord
and number of up CFRuleRecord records together to simplify access to them.
CFRule12Record |
Conditional Formatting v12 Rule Record (0x087A).
CFRuleBase |
Conditional Formatting Rules.
CFRuleBase.ComparisonOperator |
CFRuleRecord |
Conditional Formatting Rule Record (0x01B1).
CFValueObjectHelper |
Helper on calculating SCFValueObject.
CFValueObjectImpl |
ChainingMode |
CharacterRun |
This class represents a run of text that share common properties.
Chart |
This interface provides the access to a chart of a sheet.
Chart.Grouping |
Chart.LegendPosition |
Chart.Type |
Chart3DBarShapeRecord |
The Chart3DShape record is used to define the shape of bars in a bar/column chart.
Chart3DRecord |
The chart3d marker record.
ChartAxisImpl |
ChartData |
This interface provides the access to the underlying data object ( SChartData ) of a chart.
ChartDataAdv |
ChartDataHelper |
Fill SChartData with series according to a selection.
ChartDataImpl |
ChartDataUtil |
ChartDrawer |
ChartEndBlockRecord |
ENDBLOCK - Chart Future Record Type End Block (0x0853)
ChartEndObjectRecord |
ENDOBJECT - Chart Future Record Type End Object (0x0855)
ChartFormatRecord |
Class ChartFormatRecord (0x1014)
ChartFRTInfoRecord |
CHARTFRTINFO - Chart Future Record Type Info (0x0850)
ChartImpl |
ChartImpl |
ChartRecord |
CHART (0x1002)
ChartsModelManager |
Internal use only for ZK charts model.
ChartStartBlockRecord |
STARTBLOCK - Chart Future Record Type Start Block (0x0852)
ChartStartObjectRecord |
STARTOBJECT - Chart Future Record Type Start Object (0x0854)
ChartSubstreamRecordAggregate |
Manages the all the records associated with a chart sub-stream.
ChartsWidget |
A ChartWidget to show chart in spreadsheet.
ChartTitleFormatRecord |
ChartUtil |
Child |
This interface defines methods for finding and setting sibling
Property instances
ChildAnchor |
Common interface for anchors.
Choose |
ChunkedCipherInputStream |
ChunkedCipherOutputStream |
CipherAlgorithm |
CipherProvider |
CircularData |
CircularData |
ClassID |
Represents a class ID (16 bytes).
ClassIDPredefined |
CleanerUtil |
This is taken from Hadoop at and
Unfortunately this is not available in some general utility library yet, but hopefully will be at some point.
CleanerUtil.BufferCleaner |
Pass in an implementation of this interface to cleanup ByteBuffers.
CleanFilterHandler |
ClearCellAction |
ClearCellAction.Type |
ClearCellHandler |
ClearCellHelper |
Helper for set cell, row, column style
ClientAnchor |
A client anchor is attached to an excel worksheet.
ClientAnchor.AnchorType |
ClipboardData |
ClipboardPasteCommand |
A command for client-side ctrl+v paste.
ClipboardPasteEvent |
An event after client-side ctrl+v paste.
CloseBookHandler |
ClosePathCommand |
Java class for CT_Path2DClose complex type.
ClosePathCommandIf |
Code |
Implementation for Excel CODE () function.
CodepageRecord |
The default characterset.
CodePageString |
CodePageUtil |
Utilities for working with Microsoft CodePages.
CodepointsUtil |
CollaboratingWorkbooksEnvironment |
Manages a collection of WorkbookEvaluator s, in order to support
evaluation of formulas across spreadsheets.
CollaboratingWorkbooksEnvironment.WorkbookNotFoundException |
CollaborationInfo |
CollaborationInfo.CollaborationEvent |
CollaborationInfo.CollaborationEvent.Type |
CollaborationInfo.CollaborationEventListener |
CollaborationInfoEx |
CollaborationInfoImpl |
ColonNode |
ColonOpNode |
Color |
This interface allows you to get HTML color string, e.g.
Color |
ColorFilter |
ColorFilterImpl |
Color filter associated with SAutoFilter
ColorGradientFormatting |
Color Gradient / Color Scale Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
ColorGradientThreshold |
Color Gradient / Color Scale specific Threshold / value (CFVO),
for changes in Conditional Formatting
ColorImpl |
ColorImpl |
Colors |
Colors responsible for manage colors in a workbook.
ColorScaleFormatting |
High level representation for the Color Scale / Colour Scale /
Color Gradient Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
ColorScaleImpl |
ColorStyle |
Column |
ColumnArrayImpl |
ColumnCache |
Performance optimization for Vlookup .
ColumnInfoRecord |
Defines with width and formatting for a range of columns
ColumnInfoRecordsAggregate |
ColumnPrecedentRef |
Precedent reference to ColumnRef.
ColumnPrecedentRefImpl |
Implementation of precedent reference to ColumnRef s.
ColumnRef |
ColumnRefImpl |
Columns |
Implementation for Excel COLUMNS function.
ColumnShifter |
Helper for shifting columns up or down
Command |
Commands |
CommaNode |
Comment |
Common interface for comments
Comment |
CommentImpl |
CommonObjectDataSubRecord |
The common object data record is used to store all common preferences for an excel object.
ComparisonOperator |
The conditional format operators used for "Highlight Cells That Contain..." rules.
Compat12Record |
[MS-XLS].pdf 2.4.54 Compat12 page 231
whether to check for compatibility with earlier application versions when
saving the workbook.
Complex |
Implementation for Excel COMPLEX () function.
ComplexEx |
ComplexFormat |
ComponentEvaluationContributor |
To contribute function and variable in a current Executions.getCurrent() ,
if any.
ComposeFormulaCtrl |
CompressPicturesRecord |
[MS-XLS].pdf 2.4.55 CompressPictures page 231
Recomendation for picture compression when saving.
ConcatEval |
ConcatPtg |
ConditionalFormatting |
The ConditionalFormatting class encapsulates all settings of Conditional Formatting.
ConditionalFormattingEvaluator |
Evaluates Conditional Formatting constraints.
ConditionalFormattingImpl |
ConditionalFormattingRule |
Represents a description of a conditional formatting rule
ConditionalFormattingRuleImpl |
ConditionalFormattingTable |
Holds all the conditional formatting for a workbook sheet.
ConditionalFormattingThreshold |
The Threshold / CFVO / Conditional Formatting Value Object.
ConditionalFormattingThreshold.RangeType |
ConditionalRef |
Control the conditional formatting reference dependency
ConditionalRefImpl |
ConditionalStyleImpl |
Used to pass style and format for SConditionalFormattingRule.
ConditionFilterData |
These values are needed by various conditional formatting evaluation filter types
ConditionFilterType |
Used primarily for XSSF conditions, which defines a multitude of additional "filter" types
for conditional formatting.
ConditionType |
Represents a type of a conditional formatting rule
Configurator |
Helper for fetching int values from system properties
ConnectionSite |
Java class for CT_ConnectionSite complex type.
ConnectionSiteIf |
ConnectorShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
ConstantValueParser |
To support Constant Values (2.5.7) as required by the CRN record.
ContainsBlank |
ContainsCell |
ContainsError |
ContainsText |
Context |
ContinuableRecord |
Common superclass of all records that can produce ContinueRecord s while being serialized.
ContinuableRecordInput |
ContinuableRecordOutput |
ContinueRecord |
Helper class used primarily for SST Records
ControlPtg |
ConvertAnchor |
Converter |
CopyHandler |
CopySheetHandler |
CopyStep |
Copy from source to destination
CoreFns |
core taglig function for zss
Correl |
Implementation for Excel CORREL() function.
Count |
Counts the number of cells that contain numeric data within
the list of arguments.
Counta |
Counts the number of cells that contain data within the list of arguments.
Countblank |
Implementation for the function COUNTBLANK
Countif |
Implementation for the function COUNTIF
Countif.ErrorMatcher |
Countif.StringMatcher |
Countifs |
Implementation for the function COUNTIFS
CountryRecord |
Country Record (aka WIN.INI country) - used for localization
Covar |
Implementation for Excel COVAR() and COVARIANCE.P() functions.
CreationHelper |
An object that handles instantiating concrete
classes of the various instances one needs for
CRNCountRecord |
XCT - CRN Count
CRNRecord |
This record stores the contents of an external cell or cell range
CryptoAPIDecryptor |
CryptoAPIEncryptionHeader |
CryptoAPIEncryptionInfoBuilder |
CryptoAPIEncryptionVerifier |
CryptoAPIEncryptor |
CryptoFunctions |
Helper functions used for standard and agile encryption
CtrlArrowCommand |
Handle the user operation when Ctrl-arrow key is pressed.
CtrlKeyCommand |
Currency |
CurveToCommand |
Java class for CT_Path2DCubicBezierTo complex type.
CurveToCommandIf |
CustomFilter |
CustomFilter.Operator |
CustomFilterImpl |
CustomFilters |
CustomFiltersCtrl |
CustomFiltersHandler |
CustomFiltersImpl |
CustomGeometry |
Definition of a custom geometric shape
CustomProperties |
CustomProperty |
This class represents custom properties in the document summary
information stream.
CustomSortCtrl |
CustomSortCtrl.SortRule |
CustomSortHandler |
CustomViewSettingsRecordAggregate |
Manages the all the records associated with a 'Custom View Settings' sub-stream.
CutCellAction |
CutHandler |
DataBarFormatting |
Data Bar Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
DataBarFormatting |
High level representation for the DataBar Formatting
component of Conditional Formatting settings
DataBarImpl |
DataBarThreshold |
Data Bar specific Threshold / value (CFVO),
for changes in Conditional Formatting
DataConsolidateFunction |
Enum mapping the values of STDataConsolidateFunction
DataFormat |
DataFormatRecord |
The data format record is used to index into a series.
DataFormatter |
DataFormatter contains methods for formatting the value stored in a
DataIntegrity |
A complex type that specifies data used to verify whether the encrypted data passes an integrity check.
DataItemRecord |
SXDI - Data Item (0x00C5)
DataLabelExtensionRecord |
DATALABEXT - Chart Data Label Extension (0x086A)
DataRegionHelper |
To help search the data region
DataRegionHelper.FilterRegionHelper |
DataSource |
Common definition of how we read and write bytes
DataSpaceMapUtils |
DataSpaceMapUtils.DataSpaceDefinition |
DataSpaceMapUtils.DataSpaceMap |
DataSpaceMapUtils.DataSpaceMapEntry |
DataSpaceMapUtils.DataSpaceVersionInfo |
DataSpaceMapUtils.IRMDSTransformInfo |
DataSpaceMapUtils.TransformInfoHeader |
DataValidation |
DataValidation.ErrorStyle |
Error style constants for error box
DataValidationAction |
DataValidationConstraint |
DataValidationConstraint.OperatorType |
Condition operator enum
DataValidationConstraint.ValidationType |
ValidationType enum
DataValidationCtrl |
DataValidationCtrl.AlertStyle |
DataValidationCtrl.AllowPair |
DataValidationCtrl.DataPair |
DataValidationEvaluator |
Evaluates Data Validation constraints.
DataValidationEvaluator.DataValidationContext |
This class organizes and encapsulates all the pieces of information related to a single
data validation configuration for a single cell.
DataValidationEvaluator.OperatorEnum |
Not calling it OperatorType to avoid confusion for now with DataValidationConstraint.OperatorType.
DataValidationEvaluator.ValidationEnum |
Not calling it ValidationType to avoid confusion for now with DataValidationConstraint.ValidationType.
DataValidationHandler |
DataValidationHandler |
DataValidationHandlerImpl |
DataValidationHelper |
DataValidationHelper |
DataValidationImpl |
DataValidationVerificationHelper |
DataValidityTable |
Manages the DVALRecord and DVRecords for a single sheet
Date |
Date1904Support |
DateAxisImpl |
DateAxisImpl.TimeUnit |
DateFormatConverter |
Convert java DateFormat patterns into Excel custom number formats.
DateFormatConverter.DateFormatTokenizer |
DateFunc |
Implementation for the Excel function DATE
DateInputMask |
Store built-in date format patterns, parse a string into a Date object.
DateParser |
DateParser |
Parser for java dates.
DatesMatch |
DatesMatch2 |
DateTimeFns |
DateTimeFormatUtils |
Utils for Datetime, since locale provider has changed from java 9.
DateTimeFunctionImpl |
DateTimeStep |
Step value by given steps by Calendar
DateUtil |
Contains methods for dealing with Excel dates.
DateValue |
Implementation for the DATEVALUE() Excel function.
DateWindow1904Record |
Flag specifying whether 1904 date windowing is used.
DatRecord |
The dat record is used to store options for the chart.
DAverage |
Implementation of the DAverage function:
Gets the average value of a column in an area with given conditions.
Days |
Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a real year,
which is used in some accounting calculations.
Days360 |
Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
(twelve 30-day months), which is used in some accounting calculations.
DBCellRecord |
Used by Excel and other MS apps to quickly find rows in the sheets.
DConRefRecord |
DConRef records specify a range in a workbook (internal or external) that serves as a data source
for pivot tables or data consolidation.
DCount |
Implementation of the DCount function:
Counts the number of numeric cells in a column in an area with given conditions.
DCountA |
Implementation of the DCountA function:
Counts the number of non-blank cells in a column in an area with given conditions.
Dec2Bin |
Implementation for Excel DEC2BIN() function.
Dec2Hex |
Implementation for Excel DELTA() function.
Decimal |
Decryptor |
DefaultBookWidgetLoader |
DefaultColWidthRecord |
Specifies the default width for columns that have no specific width set.
DefaultDataLabelTextPropertiesRecord |
The default data label text properties record identifies the text characteristics of the preceding text record.
DefaultEscherRecordFactory |
Generates escher records when provided the byte array containing those records.
DefaultRowHeightRecord |
Row height for rows with undefined or not explicitly defined heights.
DefaultStyle |
DefaultTempFileCreationStrategy |
DefaultTokenNode<T> |
DefaultUDFFinder |
Default UDF finder - for adding your own user defined functions.
DefaultUserActionManagerCtrl |
The user action handler which provide default spreadsheet operation handling.
DefaultUserActionManagerCtrl.Category |
DefaultUserActionManagerCtrl.ClipboardImpl |
Clipboard data object for copy/paste, internal use only
DefaultUserActionManagerCtrl.UserActionContextImpl |
internal use only
DefaultWidgetHandler |
DeferredNamePtg |
A defined name is only used for parsing and evaluation which will not be written out.
DelayableLittleEndianOutput |
Implementors of this interface allow client code to 'delay' writing to a certain section of a
data output stream.
A typical application is for writing BIFF records when the size is not known until well after
the header has been written.
DeleteCellAction |
DeleteCellLeftHandler |
DeleteCellUpHandler |
DeleteChartHandler |
DeleteColumnHandler |
DeleteCommentHandler |
Deleted3DPxg |
An XSSF only representation of a reference to a deleted area
DeletedArea3DPtg |
Deleted Area 3D Ptg - 3D referecnce (Sheet + Area)
DeletedRef3DPtg |
Deleted Reference 3D Ptg
DeletePictureHandler |
DeleteRowHandler |
DeleteSheetHandler |
Delta |
Implementation for Excel DELTA() function.
DeltaRecord |
Controls the accuracy of the calculations
DependencyTable |
NodeA --- depends on ---> NodeB.
DependencyTable.RefFilter |
DependencyTableAdv |
DependencyTableEx |
Enhanced version with much better performance.
DependencyTableImpl |
Default implementation of dependency table.
DependencyTracerImpl |
DependencyTracker |
Interface for constructing the formula dependency.
DependencyTrackerEx |
An EL Variable evaluator through POI dependency tracker and ignore POI dependency tracking
DependencyTrackerImpl |
A default dependency tracker.
DGet |
Implementation of the DGet function:
Finds the value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DialogCallbackEvent |
DialogCtrlBase |
DialogCtrlBase.Entry |
DifferentialStyleProvider |
Interface for classes providing differential style definitions, such as conditional format rules
and table/pivot table styles.
Dimension2DDouble |
DimensionsRecord |
Provides the minumum and maximum bounds of a sheet.
DirectEventListenerAdaptor |
DirectoryEntry |
This interface defines methods specific to Directory objects
managed by a Filesystem instance.
DirectoryNode |
Simple implementation of DirectoryEntry
DirectoryProperty |
Directory property
DirectoryProperty.PropertyComparator |
DisplayGridlinesAction |
DividePtg |
This PTG implements the standard binomial divide "/"
DivNode |
DMax |
Implementation of the DMax function:
Finds the maximum value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DMin |
Implementation of the DMin function:
Finds the minimum value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DocumentDescriptor |
Class DocumentDescriptor
DocumentEntry |
This interface defines methods specific to Document objects
managed by a Filesystem instance.
DocumentFactoryHelper |
A small base class for the various factories, e.g.
DocumentFormatException |
This is similar to RecordFormatException , except this is thrown
when there's a higher order problem with parsing a document beyond individual records.
DocumentInputStream |
This class provides methods to read a DocumentEntry managed by a
POIFSFileSystem instance.
DocumentNode |
Simple implementation of DocumentEntry for OPOIFS
DocumentOutputStream |
This class provides methods to write a DocumentEntry managed by a
POIFSFileSystem instance.
DocumentProperty |
Trivial extension of Property for POIFSDocuments
DocumentSummaryInformation |
Convenience class representing a DocumentSummary Information stream in a
Microsoft Office document.
DollarDe |
Implementation for Excel DOLLARDE() function.
DollarFr |
Implementation for Excel DOLLARFR() function.
DoubleNode |
DoughnutChartDataImpl |
DProduct |
Implementation of the DProduct function:
Gets the product value of a column in an area with given conditions.
Drawable |
Drawable.DrawableHint |
DrawAutoShape |
DrawBackground |
DrawConnectorShape |
DrawFactory |
DrawFontManager |
Manages fonts when rendering slides.
DrawFontManagerDefault |
Manages fonts when rendering slides.
DrawFreeformShape |
DrawGraphicalFrame |
DrawGroupShape |
Drawing<T extends Shape> |
High level representation of spreadsheet drawing.
DrawingDump |
Dump out the aggregated escher records
DrawingGroupRecord |
Specifies a group of drawing objects.
DrawingManager2 |
Provides utilities to manage drawing groups.
DrawingRecord |
DrawingRecordForBiffViewer |
This is purely for the biff viewer.
Drawings |
DrawingSelectionRecord |
MsoDrawingSelection (0x00ED)
DrawMasterSheet |
DrawNothing |
DrawNotImplemented |
This is a marker annotation for classes which don't have a defined
draw implementation.
DrawPaint |
This class handles color transformations.
DrawPictureShape |
DrawShape |
DrawSheet |
DrawSimpleShape |
DrawSlide |
DrawTableShape |
DrawTextBox |
DrawTextFragment |
DrawTextParagraph |
DrawTextShape |
DrawTexturePaint |
DSFRecord |
Tells if this is a double stream file.
DStarRunner |
This class performs a D* calculation.
DStarRunner.DStarAlgorithmEnum |
Enum for convenience to identify and source implementations of the D* functions
DStdev |
Implementation of the DStdev function:
Gets the standard deviation value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DStdevp |
Implementation of the DStdevp function:
Gets the standard deviation value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DSum |
Implementation of the DSum function:
Finds the total value of matching values in a column in an area with given conditions.
DummyDataValidationHandler |
DummyFreezeInfoLoader |
DummyUndoableActionManager |
A dummy implementation of undoable action manager
Duplicatable |
This is an alternative to the Cloneable interface without its side-effects.
DuplicateCell |
DVALRecord |
This record is the list header of all data validation records (0x01BE) in the current sheet.
DVar |
Implementation of the DVar function:
Gets the variance value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DVarp |
Implementation of the DVarp function:
Gets the variance value of a column in an area with given conditions.
DVConstraint |
Data Validation Constraint
DVRecord |
This record stores data validation settings and a list of cell ranges which contain these settings.
DxfCellStyle |
Cell style for Dxfs
DynamicFilter |
DynamicFilterImpl |
EDate |
Implementation for Excel EDATE () function.
EditableCellStyle |
EditableCellStyleImpl |
EditableFont |
EditableFontImpl |
EditboxEditingCommand |
A Command (client to server) ...means the client is editing...
EditboxEditingEvent |
EditCommentHandler |
ELEval |
A function that do EL evaluation.
ELEvalFunction |
This the default function that delegate the POI function call to EL tld function.
EmbeddedData |
A collection of embedded object informations and content
EmbeddedExtractor |
EmbeddedExtractor |
This extractor class tries to identify various embedded documents within Excel files
and provide them via a common interface, i.e.
EmbeddedExtractor.EmbeddedPart |
EmbeddedExtractor.Ole10Extractor |
EmbeddedObjectRefSubRecord |
ftPictFmla (0x0009)
EmptyFileException |
Exception thrown if an Empty (zero byte) file is supplied
EmptyNode |
EncryptedDocumentException |
EncryptionDocument |
EncryptionHeader |
Reads and processes OOXML Encryption Headers
The constants are largely based on ZIP constants.
EncryptionInfo |
Wrapper for the EncryptionInfo node of encrypted documents
EncryptionInfoBuilder |
EncryptionMode |
Office supports various encryption modes.
EncryptionRecord |
EncryptionVerifier |
Used when checking if a key is valid for a document
Encryptor |
EndRecord |
The end record defines the end of a block of records for a (Graphing)
data object.
EndSubRecord |
ftEnd (0x0000)
EndsWith |
EngineeringFns |
EngineeringFunctionImpl |
EngineFactory |
EnhancedProtection |
Entry |
This interface provides access to an object managed by a Filesystem
EntryNode |
Abstract implementation of Entry
Extending classes should override isDocument() or isDirectory(), as
Extending classes must override isDeleteOK()
EntryUtils |
EnumUtil |
EnumUtil.Hyperlink |
EOFRecord |
Marks the end of records belonging to a particular object in the HSSF File
EOMonth |
Implementation for the Excel EOMONTH() function.
EqualNode |
EqualPtg |
Equals |
ERFListener |
An ERFListener is registered with the EventRecordFactory.
ErrorConstant |
Represents a constant error code value as encoded in a constant values array.
ErrorEval |
Evaluations for formula errors
ErrorNode |
ErrorRefNode |
Errortype |
Implementation for the ERROR.TYPE() Excel function.
ErrorValue |
An error result of a evaluated formula.
ErrPtg |
EscherAggregate |
This class is used to aggregate the MSODRAWING and OBJ record
EscherArrayProperty |
Escher array properties are the most weird construction ever invented
with all sorts of special cases.
EscherBitmapBlip |
EscherBlipRecord |
EscherBoolProperty |
Represents a boolean property.
EscherBSERecord |
The BSE record is related closely to the EscherBlipRecord and stores
extra information about the blip.
EscherChildAnchorRecord |
The escher child anchor record is used to specify the position of a shape under an
existing group.
EscherClientAnchorRecord |
The escher client anchor specifies which rows and cells the shape is bound to as well as
the offsets within those cells.
EscherClientDataRecord |
The EscherClientDataRecord is used to store client specific data about the position of a
shape within a container.
EscherColorRef |
An OfficeArtCOLORREF structure entry which also handles color extension opid data
EscherColorRef.SysIndexProcedure |
The following enum specifies values that indicate special procedural properties that
are used to modify the color components of another color.
EscherColorRef.SysIndexSource |
EscherComplexProperty |
A complex property differs from a simple property in that the data can not fit inside a 32 bit
EscherContainerRecord |
Escher container records store other escher records as children.
EscherDggRecord |
This record defines the drawing groups used for a particular sheet.
EscherDggRecord.FileIdCluster |
EscherDgRecord |
This record simply holds the number of shapes in the drawing group and the
last shape id used for this drawing group.
EscherDump |
Used to dump the contents of escher records to a PrintStream.
EscherGraphics |
Translates Graphics calls into escher calls.
EscherGraphics2d |
Translates Graphics2d calls into escher calls.
EscherMetafileBlip |
EscherOptRecord |
The opt record is used to store property values for a shape.
EscherProperty |
This is the abstract base class for all escher properties.
EscherPropertyFactory |
Generates a property given a reference into the byte array storing that property.
EscherPropertyMetaData |
This class stores the type and description of an escher property.
EscherPropertyTypes |
Provides a list of all known escher properties including the description and type.
EscherPropertyTypesHolder |
EscherRecord |
The base abstract record from which all escher records are defined.
EscherRecordFactory |
The escher record factory interface allows for the creation of escher
records from a pointer into a data array.
EscherRecordTypes |
EscherRGBProperty |
A color property.
EscherSerializationListener |
Interface for listening to escher serialization events.
EscherShapePathProperty |
Defines the constants for the various possible shape paths.
EscherSimpleProperty |
A simple property is of fixed length and as a property number in addition
to a 32-bit value.
EscherSpgrRecord |
The spgr record defines information about a shape group.
EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord |
A list of the most recently used colours for the drawings contained in
this document.
EscherSpRecord |
Together the EscherOptRecord this record defines some of the basic
properties of a shape.
EscherTertiaryOptRecord |
"The OfficeArtTertiaryFOPT record specifies a table of OfficeArtRGFOPTE properties, as defined in section 2.3.1."
-- [MS-ODRAW] -- v20110608; Office Drawing Binary File Format
EscherTextboxRecord |
Holds data from the parent application.
EvalBook |
modified from org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFEvaluationWorkbook
EvalSheet |
EvaluationCell |
Abstracts a cell for the purpose of formula evaluation.
EvaluationConditionalFormatRule |
EvaluationConditionalFormatRule.ValueAndFormat |
Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.
EvaluationContributor |
EvaluationContributorContainer |
EvaluationException |
This class is used to simplify error handling logic within operator and function
EvaluationName |
Abstracts a name record for formula evaluation.
EvaluationResult |
EvaluationResult.ResultType |
EvaluationSheet |
Abstracts a sheet for the purpose of formula evaluation.
EvaluationUtil |
EvaluationWorkbook |
Abstracts a workbook for the purpose of formula evaluation.
EvaluationWorkbook.ExternalName |
EvaluationWorkbook.ExternalSheet |
EvaluationWorkbook.ExternalSheetRange |
EventBasedExcelExtractor |
A text extractor for Excel files, that is based
on the HSSF EventUserModel API.
EventListenerAdaptor |
To adapt model event -> listener
EventQueueListenerAdaptor |
To adapt model event -> queue -> zk listener -> model listener
EventQueueModelEventListener |
A model event listener that listen model event through event queue (not from model directly).
EventRecordFactory |
Event-based record factory.
Events |
EventWorkbookBuilder |
EventWorkbookBuilder.SheetRecordCollectingListener |
ExcelExportFactory |
ExcelExportFactory.Type |
ExcelExtractor |
A text extractor for Excel files.
ExcelExtractor |
Common interface for Excel text extractors, covering
ExcelGeneralNumberFormat |
A format that formats a double as Excel would, ignoring FieldPosition.
ExcelImportAdapter |
ExcelImportFactory |
ExcelNumberFormat |
Object to hold a number format index and string, for various formatting evaluations
ExcelStyleDateFormatter |
ExcelXlsExporter |
ExcelXlsImporter |
ExcelXlsxExporter |
ExceptionUtil |
Utility methods for dealing with exceptions/throwables
ExclamationNode |
ExecutionBridge |
A abstract util wrapping Renders provide easier functionality for a servlet to do job in zk execution
ExpNode |
Exporter |
Exporter for a book or a sheet.
ExporterImpl |
Exporters |
The main class to get an exporter.
ExportException |
Thrown to indicate that exporter has been exported an illegal or unexpected content.
ExpPtg |
ExpressionMatch |
ExtendedColor |
Title: CTColor (Extended Color) record part
ExtendedColor |
Represents a XSSF-style color (based on either a
XSSFColor or a
ExtendedFormatRecord |
Probably one of the more complex records.
ExtendedPivotTableViewFieldsRecord |
SXVDEX - Extended PivotTable View Fields (0x0100)
ExternalNameEval |
Evaluation of a Name defined in a Sheet or Workbook scope
ExternalNameRecord |
ExternalRefNode |
ExternSheetRecord |
ExternSheetReferenceToken |
Should be implemented by any Ptg subclass that needs has an extern sheet index
For POI internal use only
ExtractorFactory |
Figures out the correct POIOLE2TextExtractor for your supplied
document, and returns it.
ExtractorProvider |
ExtraFillImpl |
Fill in ExtraStyle is a bit different from in CellStyle.
ExtRst |
ExtSSTRecord |
Extended Static String Table (0x00FF)
ExtSSTRecord.InfoSubRecord |
FacesUtil |
Utility to handle faces stuff
FactDouble |
Implementation for Excel FACTDOUBLE() function.
FeatFormulaErr2 |
Title: FeatFormulaErr2 (Formula Evaluation Shared Feature) common record part
FeatHdrRecord |
Title: FeatHdr (Feature Header) Record
FeatProtection |
Title: FeatProtection (Protection Shared Feature) common record part
FeatRecord |
Title: Feat (Feature) Record
FeatSmartTag |
Title: FeatSmartTag (Smart Tag Shared Feature) common record part
FetchActiveRangeCommand |
FileBackedDataSource |
FileMagic |
The file magic number, i.e.
FilePassRecord |
File Pass Record (0x002F)
FileSharingRecord |
Stores the encrypted readonly for a workbook (write protect).
Filetime |
The Windows FILETIME structure holds a date and time associated with a
FillBuilderImpl |
FillColorHandler |
FillImpl |
FillPatternType |
The enumeration value indicating the style of fill pattern being used for a cell format.
Fills |
Fills.Fill |
Fills.PatternFill |
FillStyle |
This interface is the counterpart to StrokeStyle - it specifies the filling of a shape
FilterColumn |
Represent a filtered column.
FilterCommand |
FilteringDirectoryNode |
A DirectoryEntry filter, which exposes another
DirectoryEntry less certain parts.
FilterRowInfo |
FilterRowInfoComparator |
Finance |
Implementation of the financial functions pmt, fv, ppmt, ipmt.
FinanceFunction |
FinanceFunctionImpl |
Implementation of Spreadsheet financial functions.
FinanceLib |
This class is a function library for common fiscal functions.
FinancialFns |
Excel financial functions.
Fixed |
Fixed0ArgFunction |
Fixed1ArgFunction |
Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly one argument.
Fixed2ArgFunction |
Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly two arguments.
Fixed3ArgFunction |
Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly three arguments.
Fixed4ArgFunction |
Convenience base class for functions that must take exactly four arguments.
FixedField |
behavior of a field at a fixed location within a byte array
FloorMath |
Implementation for Excel FLOOR.MATH() function.
FloorPrecise |
Implementation for Excel FLOOR.PRECISE() function.
FnGroupCountRecord |
umber of built in function groups in the current version of the Spreadsheet (probably only used on Windows)
Focus |
Font |
This interface allows you to get font style of a cell.
Font |
Font.Boldweight |
Font.TypeOffset |
Font.Underline |
FontBasisRecord |
The font basis record stores various font metrics.
FontBoldHandler |
FontBuilderImpl |
FontCharset |
Charset represents the basic set of characters associated with a font (that it can display), and
corresponds to the ANSI codepage (8-bit or DBCS) of that character set used by a given language.
FontCharset |
FontColorHandler |
FontDetails |
Stores width and height details about a font.
FontFacet |
A FontFacet holds the font data for a shape of a font, i.e.
FontFamily |
A property of a font that describes its general appearance.
FontFamily |
The font family this font belongs to.
FontFamilyHandler |
FontFormatting |
Font Formatting Block of the Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
FontFormatting |
High level representation for Font Formatting component
of Conditional Formatting settings
FontGroup |
Text runs can contain characters which will be handled (if configured) by a different font,
because the default font (latin) doesn't contain corresponding glyphs.
FontGroup.FontGroupRange |
FontHeader |
The header data of an EOT font.
FontHeader.PanoseArmStyle |
FontHeader.PanoseContrast |
FontHeader.PanoseFamily |
FontHeader.PanoseLetterForm |
FontHeader.PanoseMidLine |
FontHeader.PanoseProportion |
FontHeader.PanoseSerif |
FontHeader.PanoseStroke |
FontHeader.PanoseWeight |
FontHeader.PanoseXHeight |
FontImpl |
FontImpl |
FontIndexRecord |
The font index record indexes into the font table for the text record.
FontInfo |
A FontInfo object holds information about a font configuration.
FontItalicHandler |
FontMatcher |
This class can be used to match a SFont with a criteria.
FontMetricsDumper |
FontPitch |
A property of a font that describes the pitch, of the characters.
FontRecord |
Describes a font in the workbook
Fonts |
FontScheme |
Defines the font scheme to which this font belongs.
FontSizeHandler |
FontStrikeoutHandler |
FontStyleAction |
FontTypeOffsetHandler |
Handle font super/sub operation.
FontUnderline |
the different types of possible underline formatting
FontUnderlineHandler |
Footer |
Common definition of a HSSF or XSSF page footer.
FooterRecord |
Specifies the footer for a sheet
ForceFullCalculationRecord |
[MS-XLS].pdf 2.4.125 ForceFullCalculation page 298
Value of the forced calculation mode for this workbook.
Forecast |
Implementation for Excel FORECAST() and FORECAST.LINEAR() functions.
ForkedEvaluator |
An alternative workbook evaluator that saves memory in situations where a single workbook is
concurrently and independently evaluated many times.
FormatCellCtrl |
FormatCellCtrl.FormatItem |
FormatCellCtrl.InnerFillPattern |
FormatCellCtrl.InnerRotation |
FormatCellHandler |
FormatContext |
FormatEngine |
FormatEngineEx |
FormatEngineImpl |
FormatRecord |
Describes a number format -- those goofy strings like $(#,###)
FormatResult |
FormatResultImpl |
FormatRun |
Formatters |
Utility class for CellFormat.
FormatTrackingHSSFListener |
A proxy HSSFListener that keeps track of the document formatting records, and
provides an easy way to look up the format strings used by cells from their
Formula |
A guide formula in DrawingML.
Formula |
Encapsulates an encoded formula token array.
FormulaCacheCleaner |
FormulaClearContext |
FormulaContent |
Indicate that the object has formula content
FormulaEngine |
FormulaEngineEx |
A implementation of Formula Engine with XEL context.
FormulaEngineImpl |
A formula engine implemented by ZPOI
FormulaEngineImpl.ErrorFormulaExpressionImpl |
FormulaEngineImpl.EvalContext |
FormulaEngineImpl.EvaluationResultImpl |
FormulaEngineImpl.FormulaAdjuster |
FormulaEngineImpl.FormulaExpressionImpl |
FormulaError |
Enumerates error values in SpreadsheetML formula calculations.
FormulaEvaluationContext |
FormulaEvaluator |
Evaluates formula cells.
FormulaExpression |
The parsed result of a formula.
FormulaInfosLoader |
FormulaMetaInfo |
FormulaParseContext |
FormulaParseException |
This exception thrown when a supplied formula has incorrect syntax (or syntax currently not
supported by POI).
FormulaParser |
This class parses a formula string into a List of tokens in RPN order.
FormulaParsingWorkbook |
Abstracts a workbook for the purpose of formula parsing.
For POI internal use only
FormulaRecord |
Formula Record (0x0006).
FormulaRecordAggregate |
The formula record aggregate is used to join together the formula record and it's
(optional) string record and (optional) Shared Formula Record (template reads, excel optimization).
FormulaRenderer |
Common logic for rendering formulas.
FormulaRenderingWorkbook |
Abstracts a workbook for the purpose of converting formula to text.
FormulaResultCellValue |
the formula result cell value
Formulas |
Supported functions' meta data.
FormulaShifter |
Updates Formulas as rows or sheets are shifted
FormulaSpecialCachedValue |
Manages the cached formula result values of other types besides numeric.
FormulaTokenNode |
FormulaTokenParser |
FormulaType |
Enumeration of various formula types.
FormulaType |
Enumeration of various formula types.
FractionFormat |
Format class that handles Excel style fractions, such as "# #/#" and "#/###"
FrameRecord |
The frame record indicates whether there is a border around the displayed text of a chart.
FreeformShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
FreeRefFunction |
For most Excel functions, involving references ((cell, area), (2d, 3d)), the references are
passed in as arguments, and the exact location remains fixed.
FreezeInfoLoader |
FreezeInfoLoaderImpl |
Frequency |
Implementation of Excel 'Analysis ToolPak' function FREQUENCY()
Returns a frequency distribution as a vertical array
FtCblsSubRecord |
This structure appears as part of an Obj record that represents a checkbox or radio button.
FtCfSubRecord |
The FtCf structure specifies the clipboard format of the picture-type Obj record containing this FtCf.
FtPioGrbitSubRecord |
This structure appears as part of an Obj record that represents image display properties.
FtrHeader |
Title: FtrHeader (Future Record Header) common record part
FullColorExt |
2.5.155 FullColorExt.
FullMonthData |
FullMonthData |
FullWeekData |
FuncPtg |
Function |
Common interface for all implementations of Excel built-in functions.
Function0Arg |
Function1Arg |
Implemented by all functions that can be called with one argument
Function2Arg |
Implemented by all functions that can be called with two arguments
Function3Arg |
Implemented by all functions that can be called with three arguments
Function4Arg |
Implemented by all functions that can be called with four arguments
FunctionEval |
Mappings from the Excel functions to our evaluation implementations
(where available)
FunctionHelper |
Internal User only.
FunctionMetadata |
Holds information about Excel built-in functions.
FunctionMetadataRegistry |
Allows clients to get FunctionMetadata instances for any built-in function of Excel.
FunctionNameEval |
FunctionNode |
FunctionResolver |
Interface to glue POI function mechanism to zkoss xel function mechanism.
FunctionResolverEx |
Enhanced spreadsheet function mapper
FunctionResolverFactory |
A factory of formula function resolver.
FunctionResolverImpl |
A default function resolver.
FuncVarPtg |
FutureRecord |
Title: Future Record, a newer (largely Excel 2007+) record
which contains a Future Record Header ( FtrHeader )
Gcd |
Implementation for Excel GCD() function.
GeneralChartDataImpl |
GenericRecord |
GenericRecordJsonWriter |
GenericRecordJsonWriter.GenericRecordHandler |
GenericRecordUtil |
GenericRecordUtil.AnnotatedFlag |
GenericRecordXmlWriter |
GenericRecordXmlWriter.GenericRecordHandler |
Ghost |
GraphicalFrame<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
GreaterEqualPtg |
PTG class to implement greater or equal to
GreaterThan<T extends Comparable<T>> |
GreaterThan2 |
GreaterThanEqualNode |
GreaterThanOrEqual<T extends Comparable<T>> |
GreaterThanOrEqual2 |
GreaterThanOrEqualAndLessThan<T extends Comparable<T>> |
GreaterThanPtg |
Greater than operator PTG ">"
GreatNode |
GridsetRecord |
Flag denoting whether the user specified that gridlines are used when printing.
GroupHeaderClickCommand |
GroupHeaderClickEvent |
Represents an event fired by a user clicking on a button of group head to collapse or expand all groups.
GroupingChartDataImpl |
GroupMarkerSubRecord |
ftGmo (0x0006)
GroupOpenCommand |
The group open command to update group open info.
GroupOpenEvent |
Represents an event fired by a user clicking on a button of group row or column to collapse or expand a group.
GroupShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
GrowthStep |
Step for growth sequence.
Guide |
Java class for CT_GeomGuide complex type.
GuideIf |
GuideIf.Op |
GutsRecord |
Row/column gutter sizes
HashAlgorithm |
HCenterRecord |
Whether to center between horizontal margins
Head |
Represents a custom JSF component that wraps zk head scripts and css
Header |
Common definition of a HSSF or XSSF page header.
HeaderAction |
HeaderBlock |
The block containing the archive header
HeaderBlockConstants |
Constants used in reading/writing the Header block
HeaderFooter |
HeaderFooter |
HeaderFooterBase |
Common header/footer base class
HeaderFooterImpl |
HeaderFooterRecord |
The HEADERFOOTER record stores information added in Office Excel 2007 for headers/footers.
HeaderFooterType |
HeaderMouseCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling user(client) start editing a cell
HeaderMouseEvent |
A class from handle event which about mouse event on a cell
HeaderPositionHelper |
A utility class for calculating position of header.
HeaderPositionHelper.HeaderPositionInfo |
HeaderRecord |
Specifies a header for a sheet
HeaderSizeCtrl |
HeaderSizeCtrl.HeaderType |
HeaderSizeHandler |
HeaderType |
HeaderUpdateCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling event about a header(top header or left header)
HeaderUpdateEvent |
Event about header update
HeadTag |
ZK Head for js and css
Hex2Dec |
Implementation for Excel HEX2DEC() function.
HexDump |
dump data in hexadecimal format
HexRead |
Utilities to read hex from files.
HideHeaderAction |
HideHeaderAction.Type |
HideHeaderHandler |
HideObjRecord |
Flag defines whether to hide placeholders and object
HideSheetHandler |
HighchartsHelper |
Internal Use Only.
HighlightColorSupport |
An interface to provide support for get/set of highlight color in XLSFTextRuns instances.
Hlookup |
Implementation of the HLOOKUP() function.
HorizontalAlignHandler |
HorizontalAlignment |
The enumeration value indicating horizontal alignment of a cell,
i.e., whether it is aligned general, left, right, horizontally centered, filled (replicated),
justified, centered across multiple cells, or distributed.
HorizontalPageBreakRecord |
HorizontalPageBreak (0x001B) record that stores page breaks at rows
HPSFException |
This exception is the superclass of all other checked exceptions thrown
in this package.
HPSFPropertiesExtractor |
Extracts all of the HPSF properties, both
build in and custom, returning them in
textual form.
HPSFPropertiesOnlyDocument |
A version of POIDocument which allows access to the
HPSF Properties, but no other document contents.
HPSFRuntimeException |
This exception is the superclass of all other unchecked
exceptions thrown in this package.
HSSFAnchor |
An anchor is what specifics the position of a shape within a client object
or within another containing shape.
HSSFAutoFilter |
Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
HSSFBorderFormatting |
High level representation for Border Formatting component
of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFCell |
High level representation of a cell in a row of a spreadsheet.
HSSFCellStyle |
High level representation of the style of a cell in a sheet of a workbook.
HSSFChart |
Has methods for construction of a chart object.
HSSFChart.HSSFChartType |
HSSFChart.HSSFSeries |
A series in a chart
HSSFChartDecoder |
copied from zssex.
HSSFChartShape |
Represents a escher chart.
HSSFChildAnchor |
HSSFClientAnchor |
A client anchor is attached to an excel worksheet.
HSSFColor |
Intends to provide support for the very evil index to triplet issue and
will likely replace the color constants interface for HSSF 2.0.
HSSFColor.HSSFColorPredefined |
Predefined HSSFColors with their given palette index (and an optional 2nd index)
HSSFColorExt |
HSSFColor that wrap FullColorExt.
HSSFColorScaleFormatting |
High level representation for Color Scale / Color Gradient
Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFColumnShifter |
Helper for shifting columns up or down
HSSFCombobox |
HSSFComment |
Represents a cell comment - a sticky note associated with a cell.
HSSFConditionalFormatting |
HSSFConditionalFormatting class encapsulates all settings of Conditional Formatting.
HSSFConditionalFormattingRule |
High level representation of Conditional Formatting Rule.
HSSFConditionalFormattingThreshold |
High level representation for Icon / Multi-State / Databar /
Colour Scale change thresholds
HSSFCreationHelper |
HSSFDataBarFormatting |
High level representation for DataBar / Data-Bar Formatting
component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFDataFormat |
Identifies both built-in and user defined formats within a workbook.
HSSFDataFormatter |
HSSFDataFormatter contains methods for formatting the value stored in an
HSSFDataValidation |
Utility class for creating data validation cells
HSSFDataValidationHelper |
Helper for working with Data Validation
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook |
Internal POI use only
HSSFEvenFooter |
Class to read and manipulate the footer of even page.
HSSFEvenHeader |
Class to read and manipulate the header of the even page.
HSSFEventFactory |
Low level event based HSSF reader.
HSSFExtendedColor |
The HSSF file format normally stores Color information in the
Palette (see PaletteRecord), but for a few cases (eg Conditional
Formatting, Sheet Extensions), this XSSF-style color record
can be used.
HSSFFirstFooter |
Class to read and manipulate the footer of the first page.
HSSFFirstHeader |
Class to read and manipulate the header.
HSSFFont |
Represents a Font used in a workbook.
HSSFFontFormatting |
High level representation for Font Formatting component
of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFFooter |
Class to read and manipulate the footer.
HSSFFormulaEvaluator |
Evaluates formula cells.
HSSFFormulaParser |
HSSFHeader |
Class to read and manipulate the header.
HSSFHyperlink |
Represents an Excel hyperlink.
HSSFIconMultiStateFormatting |
High level representation for Icon / Multi-State Formatting
component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFListener |
Interface for use with the HSSFRequest and HSSFEventFactory.
HSSFName |
High Level Representation of a 'defined name' which could be a 'built-in' name,
'named range' or name of a user defined function.
HSSFObjectData |
Represents binary object (i.e.
HSSFOptimiser |
Excel can get cranky if you give it files containing too
many (especially duplicate) objects, and this class can
help to avoid those.
HSSFPalette |
Represents a workbook color palette.
HSSFPatriarch |
The patriarch is the toplevel container for shapes in a sheet.
HSSFPatriarchHelper |
Copied from zpoiex.
HSSFPatternFormatting |
High level representation for Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFPicture |
Represents an escher picture.
HSSFPictureData |
Represents binary data stored in the file.
HSSFPolygon |
HSSFPrintSetup |
Used to modify the print setup.
HSSFRangeCopier |
HSSFRecordTypes |
HSSFRecordTypes.RecordConstructor<T extends Record> |
HSSFRequest |
An HSSFRequest object should be constructed registering an instance or multiple
instances of HSSFListener with each Record.sid you wish to listen for.
HSSFRichTextString |
Rich text unicode string.
High level representation of a row of a spreadsheet.
HSSFRowShifter |
Helper for shifting rows up or down
HSSFShape |
An abstract shape.
HSSFShapeContainer |
An interface that indicates whether a class can contain children.
HSSFShapeFactory |
Factory class for producing Excel Shapes from Escher records
HSSFShapeGroup |
A shape group may contain other shapes.
HSSFShapeTypes |
HSSFSheet |
High level representation of a worksheet.
HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting |
The 'Conditional Formatting' facet of HSSFSheet
HSSFSheetProtection |
zss-576: enhanced protection
HSSFSimpleShape |
Represents a simple shape such as a line, rectangle or oval.
HSSFTextbox |
A textbox is a shape that may hold a rich text string.
HSSFUserException |
This exception is provided as a way for API users to throw
exceptions from their event handling code.
HSSFWorkbook |
High level representation of a workbook.
HSSFWorkbookFactory |
HtmlExporter |
Implementation of XExporter interface that converts Excel data
model io.keikai.model.sys.SBook into a PDF format written to a OutputStream
HtmlExporterFactory |
Hyperlink |
This interface allows you to get a cell's hyperlink data.
Hyperlink |
Represents a hyperlink.
Hyperlink<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
A PowerPoint hyperlink
Hyperlink |
Implementation of Excel HYPERLINK function.
Hyperlink |
Represents an Excel hyperlink.
Hyperlink.HyperlinkType |
HyperlinkEval |
Handle associated hyperlink if this ValueEval is a label of the HYPERLINK function.
HyperlinkHandler |
HyperlinkImpl |
HyperlinkImpl |
HyperlinkRecord |
The HyperlinkRecord (0x01B8) wraps an HLINK-record
from the Excel-97 format.
HyperlinkType |
IAdjustableShape |
A bridge to the consumer application.
IconMultiStateFormatting |
Icon / Multi-State Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
IconMultiStateFormatting |
High level representation for the Icon / Multi-State Formatting
component of Conditional Formatting settings
IconMultiStateFormatting.IconSet |
IconMultiStateThreshold |
Icon / Multi-State specific Threshold / value (CFVO),
for changes in Conditional Formatting
IconSetImpl |
IDStarAlgorithm |
Interface specifying how an algorithm to be used by DStarRunner should look like.
IfFunc |
Implementation for the Excel function IF
IfNa |
Implementation of 'Analysis Toolpak' the Excel function IFNA()
IFNA(test_value, default_value)
IgnoredErrorType |
Types of ignored workbook and worksheet error.
IllegalFormulaException |
Indicate an illegal formula exception
IllegalOpArgumentException |
Indicate an illegal operation & argument exception.
IllegalPropertySetDataException |
This exception is thrown when there is an illegal value set in a
PropertySet .
IllegalVariantTypeException |
This exception is thrown if HPSF encounters a variant type that is illegal
in the current context.
ImageHeaderBitmap |
ImageHeaderEMF |
ImageHeaderPICT |
ImageHeaderPNG |
ImageHeaderWMF |
Aldus Placeable Metafile header - 22 byte structure before WMF data.
ImageRenderer |
Classes can implement this interfaces to support other formats, for
example, use Apache Batik to render WMF (since POI 4.0, there's an internal WMF/EMF/EMF+ renderer in POI),
PICT can be rendered using Apple QuickTime API for Java:
ImageUtils |
ImageWidget |
A ImageWiget to show image in spreadsheet.
Imaginary |
Implementation for Excel IMAGINARY() function.
ImExpUtils |
Utility methods that involve read or write POI model.
ImmutableBorderImpl |
ImmutableBorderLineImpl |
ImmutableCellStyleImpl |
ImmutableExtraStyleImpl |
ImmutableFillImpl |
ImmutableFontImpl |
Importer |
Importer that loads an Excel file and returns a Book .
ImporterImpl |
Importers |
The main class to get an importer.
ImportException |
Thrown to indicate that importer has been imported an illegal or
unexpected content.
ImReal |
Implementation for Excel ImReal() function.
Index |
Implementation for the Excel function INDEX
IndexedColors |
A deprecated indexing scheme for colours that is still required for some records, and for backwards
compatibility with OLE2 formats.
IndexedUDFFinder |
A UDFFinder that can retrieve functions both by name and by fake index.
IndexRecord |
Occurs right after BOF, tells you where the DBCELL records are for a sheet Important for locating cells
Indirect |
Implementation for Excel function INDIRECT
IndirectPropertyName |
IndirectRef |
Used to handle reference generated by INDIRECT(text) function.
IndirectRefImpl |
InfoFns |
InfoFunctionImpl |
InputEngine |
Determine a cell's type and value by parsing editing text with predefined patterns.
InputEngineEx |
InputEngineImpl |
smart input for numbers and dates.
InputParseContext |
InputResult |
InputResultImpl |
InsertCellAction |
InsertCellDownHandler |
InsertCellRightHandler |
InsertChartHandler |
InsertColumnHandler |
InsertCommentHandler |
InsertDeleteHelper |
A helper to perform insert/delete row/column/cells.
InsertDeleteUpdate |
a range of row/column indicates insert/delete changes.
InsertFormulaCtrl |
InsertFunctionHandler |
InsertHyperlinkCtrl |
InsertHyperlinkCtrl.DocItemType |
InsertPictureHandler |
InsertRowHandler |
Insets2D |
This is a replacement for Insets which works on doubles
instead of ints
IntegerField |
representation of an integer (32-bit) field at a fixed location
within a byte array
IntegerNode |
Intercept |
Implementation of Excel function INTERCEPT()
InterfaceEndRecord |
Shows where the Interface Records ends (MMS)
InterfaceHdrRecord |
Defines the beginning of Interface records (MMS)
Internal |
Program elements annotated @Internal are intended for
POI internal use only.
InternalSheet |
Low level model implementation of a Sheet (one workbook contains many sheets)
This file contains the low level binary records starting at the sheets BOF and
ending with the sheets EOF.
InternalSheet.UnsupportedBOFType |
InternalWorkbook |
Low level model implementation of a Workbook.
InternalWorkbook.StylePack |
IntersectionEval |
IntersectionPtg |
Interval<T> |
Interval.InfiniteInterval<T> |
IntervalTree<T> |
An extensible Interval Tree that you can keep payload of type [T] in Interval.
IntList |
A List of int's; as full an implementation of the java.util.List
interface as possible, with an eye toward minimal creation of
the mimicry of List is as follows:
if possible, operations designated 'optional' in the List
interface are attempted
wherever the List interface refers to an Object, substitute
wherever the List interface refers to a Collection or List,
substitute IntList
the mimicry is not perfect, however:
operations involving Iterators or ListIterators are not
remove(Object) becomes removeValue to distinguish it from
remove(int index)
subList is not supported
IntMapper<T> |
A List of objects that are indexed AND keyed by an int; also allows for getting
the index of a value in the list
IntPtg |
Integer (unsigned short integer) Stores an unsigned short value (java int) in a formula
InvalidDataValidationException |
The exception is thrown when encountering invalid parameters.
InvalidFormulaException |
The exception is thrown when encountering an invalid formula.
InvalidModelOpException |
This exception is thrown when you perform an unreasonable operation on the model.
IOUtils |
Irr |
Calculates the internal rate of return.
IStabilityClassifier |
Used to help optimise cell evaluation result caching by allowing applications to specify which
parts of a workbook are final.
The term final is introduced here to denote immutability or 'having constant definition'.
IterationRecord |
Tells whether to iterate over formula calculations or not.
JavaScriptValue |
JFreeChartHelper |
Internal Use Only.
JoinFunctionMapper |
Aggregate FunctionMapper that join serveral FunctionMapper together.
JoinVariableResolver |
Aggregate VariableResolver that join serveral VariableResolver together.
JSFComponentBase |
The base of zk jsf component
JSFComponentBase.DeadComponentHolderListener |
JSFSpreadsheet |
Represents a custom JSF component that wraps Keikai Spreadsheet component
JSFSpreadsheet.DeadSSHolderListener |
JSONArray<T> |
A JSON array.
JSONAware |
Beans that support customized output of JSON text shall implement this interface.
JSONNode |
Internal use to optimize the memory footprint.
JSONObject<K,V> |
A JSON object.
JsonUpdateBridge |
A abstract util wrapping Bridge provide easier functionality for a servlet
JSONValue |
Utilities to encode and decode data in JSON format.
KeyData |
A complex type that specifies the encryption used within this element.
KeyEncryptor |
A sequence of KeyEncryptor elements.
KeyEvent |
LabelRecord |
Label Record (0x0204) - read only support for strings stored directly in the cell...
LabelSSTRecord |
Refers to a string in the shared string table and is a column value.
LastCellOfRowDummyRecord |
A dummy record to indicate that we've now had the last
cell record for this row.
LayoutUnitConversionHelper |
LazilyConcatenatedByteArray |
Utility for delaying the concatenation of multiple byte arrays.
LazyAreaEval |
Provides Lazy Evaluation to 3D Ranges
LazyRefEval |
Provides Lazy Evaluation to a 3D Reference
LbsDataSubRecord |
This structure specifies the properties of a list or drop-down list embedded object in a sheet.
LbsDataSubRecord.LbsDropData |
This structure specifies properties of the dropdown list control
Lcm |
Implementation for Excel LCM() function.
LeftMarginRecord |
Record for the left margin.
LegendRecord |
Defines a legend for a chart.
LessEqualPtg |
Ptg class to implement less than or equal
LessNode |
LessThan<T extends Comparable<T>> |
LessThan2 |
LessThanEqualNode |
LessThanOrEqual<T extends Comparable<T>> |
LessThanOrEqual2 |
LessThanPtg |
Less than operator PTG "<".
Limit |
Line<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Interface for Lines ...
LinearRegressionFunction |
Base class for linear regression functions.
LinearRegressionFunction.FUNCTION |
LinearStep |
Linear incremental Step.
LineChartDataImpl |
LineChartEngine |
A LineChartEngine customized to draw Line Chart for matching Excel line chart style
LineChartExportEngine |
LineDecoration |
LineDecoration.DecorationShape |
Represents the shape decoration that appears at the ends of lines.
LineDecoration.DecorationSize |
LineFormatRecord |
Describes a line format record.
LineRecord |
The line record is used to define a line chart.
LineToCommand |
Java class for CT_Path2DLineTo complex type.
LineToCommandIf |
LinkedDataRecord |
Describes a linked data record.
LinkedModelObject |
LittleEndian |
a utility class for handling little-endian numbers, which the 80x86 world is
replete with.
LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException |
Exception to handle buffer underruns
LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream |
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream |
LittleEndianConsts |
a repository for constants shared by classes within this package
LittleEndianInput |
LittleEndianInputStream |
LittleEndianOutput |
LittleEndianOutputStream |
LocaleID |
Locale Collection
LocaleUtil |
This utility class is used to set locale and time zone settings beside
of the JDK internal Locale.setDefault(Locale) and
TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone) methods, because
the locale/time zone specific handling of certain office documents -
maybe for different time zones / locales ...
Log |
LogicalFns |
LogicalFunction |
Implementation of the various ISxxx Logical Functions, which
take a single expression argument, and return True or False.
LogicalFunctionImpl |
LongField |
representation of a long (16-bit) field at a fixed location within
a byte array
Lookup |
Implementation of Excel function LOOKUP.
LookupAndReferenceFns |
LookupAndReferenceFunctionImpl |
LookupAndReferenceFunctionImpl.Unique |
LookupUtils |
Common functionality used by VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, LOOKUP and MATCH
LookupUtils.CompareResult |
Enumeration to support 4 valued comparison results.
LookupUtils.LookupValueComparer |
LookupUtils.MatchMode |
LookupUtils.SearchMode |
LookupUtils.ValueVector |
Represents a single row or column within an AreaEval .
LPWideString |
LZWDecompresser |
This class provides common functionality for the
various LZW implementations in the different file
MainExtractorFactory |
ExtractorFactory for HSSF and Old Excel format
MainHTML |
Margin |
The margin interface is a parent used to define left, right, top and bottom margins.
MasterSheet<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Match |
Implementation for the MATCH() Excel function.
Matchable<T> |
MathFns |
MathFunctionImpl |
MatrixFunction |
MatrixFunction.MutableValueCollector |
MatrixFunction.OneArrayArg |
MatrixFunction.TwoArrayArg |
Maxifs |
Implementation for the Excel function MAXIFS
MemAreaPtg |
MemErrPtg |
MemFuncPtg |
MergeAggregation |
MergeAggregation.MergeIndex |
MergeCellAction |
MergeCellsRecord |
Optional record defining a square area of cells to "merged" into one cell.
MergeCenterHandler |
MergedCellsTable |
MergedRect |
MergeHandler |
MergeHelper |
MergeMatrixHelper |
Each sheet has its own MergeMatrixHelper and it manages all merged cells.
MergeUpdate |
A pair of reference areas indicate the changes of the merge area.
MetroShapeProvider |
Experimental provider / loader for metro shapes.
MinaMaxa |
Minifs |
Implementation for the Excel function MINIFS
MinusNode |
Mirr |
Calculates Modified internal rate of return.
MissingArgEval |
Represents the (intermediate) evaluated result of a missing function argument.
MissingArgPtg |
Missing Function Arguments
MissingCellDummyRecord |
A dummy record for when we're missing a cell in a row,
but still want to trigger something
MissingRecordAwareHSSFListener |
A HSSFListener which tracks rows and columns, and will
trigger your HSSFListener for all rows and cells,
even the ones that aren't actually stored in the file.
MissingRowDummyRecord |
A dummy record for when we're missing a row, but still
want to trigger something
MissingSectionException |
This exception is thrown if one of the PropertySet 's
convenience methods does not find a required Section .
MMSRecord |
defines how many add menu and del menu options are stored in the file.
Mode |
ModelEvent |
The event will be sent when there is an operation performed on a book model.
ModelEventDispatcher |
To dispatch model event
ModelEventListener |
ModelEvents |
A collection of factory method that help you create ModelEvent .
ModelRef<T> |
ModelUpdate |
ModelUpdate.UpdateType |
ModelUpdateCollector |
Module |
Representation of Macro module in office file.
Module.ModuleType |
Type of macro module
MonthMatch |
MoveChartHandler |
MovePictureHandler |
MoveSheetHandler |
MoveToCommand |
Java class for CT_Path2DMoveTo complex type.
MoveToCommandIf |
MTRSettingsRecord |
[MS-XLS].pdf 2.4.173 MTRSettings page 343
Multithreaded calculation settings.
MulBlankRecord |
Represents a set of columns in a row with no value but with styling.
MulRKRecord |
Used to store multiple RK numbers on a row.
MultiNode |
MultiOperandNumericFunction |
This is the super class for all excel function evaluator
classes that take variable number of operands, and
where the order of operands does not matter
MultiOperandNumericFunction.Policy |
MultiplyPtg |
Implements the standard mathematical multiplication "*"
Na |
Implementation of Excel function NA()
Name |
Represents a defined name for a range of cells.
NameCommentRecord |
Defines a comment associated with a specified name.
NamedStyle |
CellStyle with a name.
NamedStyleImpl |
NameIdentifier |
NameImpl |
NameNode |
NamePtg |
See the spec at PtgName
NameRangeEval |
NameRecord |
Defines a named range within a workbook.
NameRef |
NameRefImpl |
NameRefNode |
NameXPtg |
A Name, be that a Named Range or a Function / User Defined
Function, addressed in the HSSF External Sheet style.
NameXPxg |
A Name, be that a Named Range or a Function / User Defined
Function, addressed in the HSSF External Sheet style.
NewBookHandler |
NilHandler |
always disable and do nothing
NodeId |
NoFormatIDException |
NonBlankCellsHelper |
A utility class for calculating position of non-blank cells.
NonBlankCellsHelper.NonBlankCellInfo |
NonSerializableHolder<T> |
To help hold a non-serializable object as a serializable (usually for cache)
NoPropertySetStreamException |
This exception is thrown if a format error in a property set stream is
detected or when the input data do not constitute a property set stream.
NormDist |
Implementation for Excel NORMDIST() and NORM.DIST() functions.
NormInv |
Implementation for Excel NORMINV() and NORM.INV() functions.
NormSDist |
Implementation for Excel NORMSDIST() and NORM.S.DIST functions.
NormSInv |
Implementation for Excel NORMSINV() and NORM.S.INV() functions.
NoSingleSectionException |
NotContainsText |
NotEqualNode |
NotEqualPtg |
Ptg class to implement not equal
NotEquals |
NoteRecord |
NOTE: Comment Associated with a Cell (0x001C)
Notes<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
NoteStructureSubRecord |
ftNts (0x000D)
NotifyChangeHelper |
A helper class that encapsulate details of sending model events.
NotImplemented |
This feature has not been implemented yet.
NotImplementedException |
An exception thrown by implementors of FormulaEvaluator ,
when attempting to evaluate a formula which requires features
that POI does not (yet) support.
NotImplementedFunction |
This is the default implementation of a Function class.
NotImplementedFunctionException |
An exception thrown by implementors of FormulaEvaluator when
attempting to evaluate a formula which requires a function that POI
does not (yet) support.
NotOLE2FileException |
This exception is thrown when we try to open a file that doesn't
seem to actually be an OLE2 file after all
Now |
Implementation of Excel NOW() Function
Npv |
Calculates the net present value of an investment by using a discount rate
and a series of future payments (negative values) and income (positive
NullEscherSerializationListener |
Ignores all serialization events.
NumberComparer |
NumberEval |
NumberFormatIndexRecord |
The number format index record indexes format table.
NumberInputMask |
Responsible for number input mask.
NumberInputMaskImpl |
NumberInputMaskImpl |
Responsible for number input mask.
NumberNode<T extends Number> |
NumberPtg |
Number Stores a floating point value in a formula value stored in a 8 byte
field using IEEE notation
NumberRecord |
NUMBER (0x0203) Contains a numeric cell value.
NumberToGeneralTextConverter |
Convert a number to "General" formatting text.
NumberToTextConverter |
Excel converts numbers to text with different rules to those of java, so
Double.toString(value) won't do.
NumberValueFunction |
Implementation for the NUMBERVALUE() Excel function.
NumericFunction |
NumericFunctionHelper |
NumericValueEval |
NumFmts |
NumMatch |
return true if a number
ObjectData |
Common interface for OLE shapes, i.e.
ObjectData |
Common interface for OLE shapes, i.e.
ObjectHolder |
the object holder to hold object for a while, and remove timeout object when someone ObjectHolder.kick() it.
ObjectHolderContext |
context to hold object-holder
ObjectHolderFilter |
Filter to help create a object holder for issue ZSS-641, and kick object holder to release object after timeout.
ObjectLinkRecord |
Links text to an object on the chart or identifies it as the title.
ObjectMetaData |
ObjectMetaData.Application |
ObjectProtectRecord |
Protect embedded object with the lamest "security" ever invented.
ObjectRef |
The object Reef to represent a object, and is always a dependent ref.
ObjectRef.ObjectType |
ObjectRefImpl |
ObjectShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
An shape which references an embedded OLE object
ObjRecord |
Oct2Dec |
Implementation for Excel Oct2Dec() function.
OfficeXmlFileException |
This exception is thrown when we try to open a file that's actually
an Office 2007+ XML file, rather than an OLE2 file (which is what
POIFS works with)
Offset |
Implementation for Excel function OFFSET()
OffsetRef |
Used to handle reference generated by OFFSET function.
OffsetRefImpl |
a cell reference produced by OFFSET function.
Oid |
OldCellRecord |
OldExcelExtractor |
A text extractor for old Excel files, which are too old for
HSSFWorkbook to handle.
OldExcelFormatException |
OldFileFormatException |
Base class of all the exceptions that POI throws in the event
that it's given a file that's older than currently supported.
OldFormulaRecord |
Formula Record (0x0006 / 0x0206 / 0x0406) - holds a formula in
encoded form, along with the value if a number
OldLabelRecord |
Biff2 - Biff 4 Label Record (0x0004 / 0x0204) - read only support for
strings stored directly in the cell, from the older file formats that
didn't use LabelSSTRecord
OldSheetRecord |
Title: Bound Sheet Record (aka BundleSheet) (0x0085) for BIFF 5
OldStringRecord |
Biff2 - Biff 4 Label Record (0x0007 / 0x0207) - read only support for
formula string results.
Ole10Native |
Represents an Ole10Native record which is wrapped around certain binary
files being embedded in OLE2 documents.
Ole10NativeException |
OperandPtg |
OperandResolver |
Provides functionality for evaluating arguments to functions and operators.
OperationEvaluationContext |
Contains all the contextual information required to evaluate an operation
within a formula
OperationPtg |
defines a Ptg that is an operation instead of an operand
OpNode |
Outline |
OutlineLevelTree |
An outline level tree structure.
OutlineLevelTree.OutlineLevelNode |
OverridableFunction |
A Overridable function to provide the chance of override poi's basic functions
PageBreakRecord |
Record that contains the functionality page breaks (horizontal and vertical)
PageBreakRecord.Break |
Since both records store 2byte integers (short), no point in
differentiating it in the records.
PageItemRecord |
SXPI - Page Item (0x00B6)
PageMargin |
Enumeration which represents the various margins which are present within an
Excel worksheet
PageOrder |
Specifies printed page order.
PageSettingsBlock |
Groups the page settings records for a worksheet.
PaintStyle |
PaintStyle.FlipMode |
PaintStyle.GradientPaint |
PaintStyle.GradientPaint.GradientType |
PaintStyle.PaintModifier |
The PaintStyle can be modified by secondary sources, e.g.
PaintStyle.SolidPaint |
PaintStyle.TextureAlignment |
PaintStyle.TexturePaint |
PaletteRecord |
Supports custom palettes.
PaneInformation |
Holds information regarding a split plane or freeze plane for a sheet.
PaneRecord |
Describes the frozen and unfrozen panes.
PaneType |
Type of pane used in sheet.
PaperSize |
The enumeration value indicating the possible paper size for a sheet
Paragraph |
This class represents a paragraph, made up of one or more
runs of text.
Parent |
Behavior for parent (directory) properties
Parenthesis2Ptg |
This Ptg is for multiple area expression generally used in chart series and is only used for parsing
and evaluation which will not be written out.
ParenthesisPtg |
While formula tokens are stored in RPN order and thus do not need parenthesis
for precedence reasons, Parenthesis tokens ARE written to ensure that user
entered parenthesis are displayed as-is on reading back
ParsingBook |
A pseudo formula parsing workbook for parsing only.
PasswordCtrl |
PasswordKeyEncryptor |
PasswordRecord |
Stores the encrypted password for a sheet or workbook (HSSF doesn't support encryption)
PasswordRev4Record |
Protection Revision 4 password Record (0x01BC)
PasteCellAction |
PasteCellHelper |
PasteCellRegion |
PasteHandler |
PasteOption |
PasteOption.PasteOperation |
PasteOption.PasteType |
PasteRangeImpl |
To avoid paste too many rows; ZSS copy column only copy to
PasteSheetRegion |
PasteSpecialCellAction |
PasteSpecialCtrl |
PasteSpecialDialogHandler |
PasteSpecialHandler |
Path |
Specifies a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves
that when combined forms a geometric shape
PathCommand |
A path command in DrawingML.
PathGradientPaint |
PathIf |
PatternFormatting |
Pattern Formatting Block of the Conditional Formatting Rule Record.
PatternFormatting |
PdfExporter |
Implementation of Exporter interface that converts Excel data
model io.keikai.model.Book into a PDF format written to a
PdfExporterFactory |
PercentEval |
Implementation of Excel formula token '%'.
PercentNode |
PercentPtg |
Percent PTG.
PercentRank |
Implementation of 'the Excel function PERCENTRANK()
PERCENTRANK(array, X, [significance])
PhRun |
Picture |
This interface provides the access to a picture of a sheet.
Picture |
Repersents a picture in a SpreadsheetML document
Picture.Format |
PictureData |
PictureData |
PictureData.PictureType |
PictureDataImpl |
PictureHelper |
PictureImpl |
PictureImpl |
PictureShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
PictureType |
General enum class to define a picture format/type
PieChartDataImpl |
PieChartEngine |
A PieChartEngine customized to draw Line Chart for matching Excel pie chart style
PieChartExportEngine |
PieFormatRecord |
The record specifies the distance of a data point or data points in a series from the center of pie chart.
PieRecord |
The pie record is used to define a pie chart.
PlaceableShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Placeholder |
PlaceholderDetails |
Extended details about placholders
PlaceholderDetails.PlaceholderSize |
PlotAreaRecord |
preceeds and identifies a frame as belonging to the plot area.
PlotGrowthRecord |
The plot growth record specifies the scaling factors used when a font is scaled.
PlusNode |
PLVRecord |
[MS-XLS].pdf 2.4.200 PLV page 360
Page Layout View for a sheet.
POIDocument |
This holds the common functionality for all POI
Document classes.
PoiEnumConversion |
An utility to convert enumeration constant between ZSS model and POI model.
POIFSBigBlockSize |
A class describing attributes of the Big Block Size
POIFSConstants |
A repository for constants shared by POI classes.
POIFSDocument |
This class manages a document in the NIO POIFS filesystem.
POIFSDocumentPath |
Class POIFSDocumentPath
Dump internal structure of a OLE2 file into file system
POIFSFileSystem |
This is the main class of the POIFS system; it manages the entire
life cycle of the filesystem.
POIFSLister |
A lister of the entries in POIFS files.
POIFSMiniStore |
This class handles the MiniStream (small block store)
in the NIO case for POIFSFileSystem
POIFSReader |
An event-driven reader for POIFS file systems.
POIFSReaderEvent |
Class POIFSReaderEvent
POIFSReaderListener |
Interface POIFSReaderListener
POIFSStream |
POIFSViewable |
Interface for a drill-down viewable object.
POIFSViewEngine |
This class contains methods used to inspect POIFSViewable objects
POIFSViewer |
A simple viewer for POIFS files
POIFSWriterEvent |
Class POIFSWriterEvent
POIFSWriterListener |
Interface POIFSWriterListener
POIOLE2TextExtractor |
Common Parent for OLE2 based Text Extractors
of POI Documents, such as .doc, .xls
You will typically find the implementation of
a given format's text extractor under
org.apache.poi.[format].extractor .
POIReadOnlyDocument |
This holds the common functionality for all read-only
POI Document classes, i.e.
Poisson |
POITextExtractor |
Common Parent for Text Extractors
of POI Documents.
POIXMLDocumentPartHelper |
A helper to access POIXMLDocumentPart 's APIs.
PolarAdjustHandle |
Java class for CT_PolarAdjustHandle complex type.
PostImport |
Used with Importer for post-import-processing life cycle.
PowerPtg |
Compute the interest portion of a payment.
PrecisionRecord |
Defines whether to store with full precision or what's displayed by the gui
(meaning have really screwed up and skewed figures or only think you do!)
PresetColor |
Preset colors defined in DrawingML aka known/system colors
PresetGeometries |
PrintCellComments |
These enumerations specify how cell comments shall be displayed for paper printing purposes.
PrintGridlinesRecord |
Whether to print the gridlines when you enjoy the spreadsheet on paper.
PrintHeadersRecord |
Whether or not to print the row/column headers when you enjoy your spreadsheet in the physical form.
PrintOrientation |
The enumeration value indicating the print orientation for a sheet.
PrintSetup |
PrintSetupImpl |
PrintSetupRecord |
Stores print setup options -- bogus for HSSF (and marked as such)
Property |
Property |
This abstract base class is the ancestor of all classes
implementing POIFS Property behavior.
PropertyConstants |
Interface PropertyConstants
PropertyIDMap |
This is a dictionary which maps property ID values to property
ID strings.
PropertySet |
Represents a property set in the Horrible Property Set Format
PropertySetFactory |
PropertyTable |
This class embodies the Property Table for a POIFSFileSystem ;
this is basically the directory for all of the documents in the
filesystem and looks up entries in the filesystem to their
chain of blocks.
PropertyTemplate |
A PropertyTemplate is a template that can be applied to any sheet in
a project.
ProtectionRev4Record |
Describes whether this is a protected shared/tracked workbook
ProtectRecord |
Defines whether a sheet or workbook is protected (HSSF DOES NOT SUPPORT ENCRYPTION)
ProtectSheetAction |
ProtectSheetCtrl |
Ptg |
Ptg represents a syntactic token in a formula.
PtgShifter |
Shift a cell address in a Ptg according to cell operations including cut, copy/paste, insertion, and deletion.
Pxg |
An XSSF only special kind of Ptg, which stores the sheet / book
reference in string form.
Pxg3D |
An XSSF only special kind of Ptg, which stores a range of
sheet / book references in string form.
QuadToCommand |
Java class for CT_Path2DQuadBezierTo complex type.
QuadToCommandIf |
QuarterMatch |
Quotient |
Implementation for Excel QUOTIENT () function.
RandomSingleton |
Range |
Range can represent a cell, a row, a column, a selection of cells containing one or
more contiguous blocks of cells, or a 3-D blocks of cells.
Range.ApplyBorderType |
Range.AutoFillType |
Range.AutoFilterOperation |
Range.CellAttribute |
Range.CellStyleHelper |
a cell style helper to create style relative object for cell
Range.DeleteShift |
Shift direction of delete api
Range.InsertCopyOrigin |
Copy origin format/style of insert
Range.InsertShift |
Shift direction of insert api
Range.PasteOperation |
Range.PasteType |
Range.SheetVisible |
Range.SortDataOption |
RangeCopier |
RangeEval |
RangeHelperBase |
RangeImpl |
1.Range does not handle the protection issue.
RangeImpl |
Only those methods that set cell data, cell style, row (column) style, width, height, and hidden consider 3-D references.
RangePtg |
RangeRunner |
The runner to help you run multiple Range APIs in synchronization.
Ranges |
The facade class provides you multiple ways to get a Range .
Rank |
Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.
Rate |
Implements the Excel Rate function
RBTree<K,V> |
ReadingNotSupportedException |
This exception is thrown when HPSF tries to read a (yet) unsupported
variant type.
ReadingOrder |
The enumeration value indicating reading order of a cell,
i.e., whether the reading order is Context(Default), Left To Right or Right To Left
ReadOnlyRichTextImpl |
ReadWriteTask<T> |
Use this class to help you concurrently access book model safely.
ReapplyFilterHandler |
RecalcIdRecord |
This record contains an ID that marks when a worksheet was last recalculated.
Record |
All HSSF Records inherit from this class.
RecordAggregate |
RecordAggregate s are groups of of BIFF Record s that are typically stored
together and/or updated together.
RecordAggregate.PositionTrackingVisitor |
RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor |
RecordBase |
RecordFactory |
Title: Record Factory
RecordFactoryInputStream |
A stream based way to get at complete records, with
as low a memory footprint as possible.
RecordFormatException |
A common exception thrown by our binary format parsers
(especially HSSF and DDF), when they hit invalid
format or data when processing a record.
RecordInputStream |
Title: Record Input Stream
Description: Wraps a stream and provides helper methods for the construction of records.
RecordInputStream.LeftoverDataException |
For use in BiffViewer which may construct Record s that don't completely
read all available data.
RecordStream |
Simplifies iteration over a sequence of Record objects.
RectAlign |
Specifies possible rectangle alignment types.
Ref |
Ref |
Ref is a reference for cell or range with 4 value :
top(top row), left(left column), bottom(last row) and right(last column).
Ref.RefType |
Ref3DPtg |
Reference 3D Ptg
Ref3DPxg |
XSSF 3D Reference
RefErrorPtg |
RefError - handles deleted cell reference
RefEval |
RefEval is the super interface for Ref2D and Ref3DEval.
RefEvalBase |
Common base class for implementors of RefEval
RefImpl |
RefListEval |
Handling of a list of values, e.g.
RefModeRecord |
Describes which reference mode to use
RefNode |
RefNPtg |
RefocusDialogCtrlBase |
RefPtg |
ReferencePtg - handles references (such as A1, A2, IA4)
RefPtgBase |
ReferencePtgBase - handles references (such as A1, A2, IA4)
RefreshAllRecord |
Flag whether to refresh all external data when loading a sheet.
RefUtil |
RegionUtil |
Various utility functions that make working with a region of cells easier.
RelationalOperationEval |
Base class for all comparison operator evaluators
Removal |
Program elements annotated @Removal track the earliest final release
when a deprecated feature will be removed.
RenameSheetHandler |
Replace |
An implementation of the Excel REPLACE() function:
ReplacingInputStream |
Simple FilterInputStream that can replace occurrences of bytes with something else.
Rept |
Implementation for Excel REPT () function.
ReserveUtil |
ReserveUtil.ReservedCell |
ReserveUtil.ReservedCellContent |
ReserveUtil.ReservedColumn |
ReserveUtil.ReservedResult |
ReserveUtil.ReservedRow |
ResizeHeaderAction |
ResizeHeaderAction.Type |
RichText |
A rich text can have multiple segments which have different fonts for each one in a cell.
RichText.Segment |
Richtextbox |
RichTextEditCtrl |
RichTextEditHandler |
RichTextHelper |
RichTextImpl |
RichTextImpl |
RichTextString |
Rich text unicode string.
RightMarginRecord |
Record for the right margin.
RKRecord |
An internal 32 bit number with the two most significant bits storing the type.
RKUtil |
Utility class for helping convert RK numbers.
RLEDecompressingInputStream |
Wrapper of InputStream which provides Run Length Encoding (RLE)
decompression on the fly.
Roman |
Implementation for Excel Roman() function.
RootProperty |
Root property
Row |
Row |
High level representation of a row of a spreadsheet.
Row.MissingCellPolicy |
Used to specify the different possible policies
if for the case of null and blank cells
RowBlocksReader |
Segregates the 'Row Blocks' section of a single sheet into plain row/cell records and
shared formula records.
RowFunc |
Implementation for the Excel function ROW
RowImpl |
RowRecord |
Stores the row information for the sheet.
RowRecordsAggregate |
Rows |
Implementation for Excel ROWS function.
RowShifter |
Helper for shifting rows up or down
RuleInfo |
SAutoFilter |
Contains autofilter's setting.
SAutoFilter.FilterOp |
SAutoFilter.NFilterColumn |
A filter column contains information for filtering, e.g.
SaveRecalcRecord |
Defines whether to recalculate before saving (set to true)
SBook |
The root of Spreadsheet's data model which contains sheets.
SBooks |
Contains factory methods to create a SBook .
SBookSeries |
It contains multiple SBook objects so that formulas in them can reference to cells of another book.
SBookSeriesBuilder |
A utility class that build a book series that allow external book references can work.
SBorder |
Border object
SBorder.BorderType |
The border type
SBorderBuilder |
SBorderLine |
ScalarConstantPtg |
Common superclass of all Ptgs that represent simple constant values.
ScatterChartDataImpl |
ScatterRecord |
The scatter record is used to define a scatter chart.
SCell |
Represent a cell of a sheet in a Spreadsheet.
SCell.CellType |
SCellStyle |
Represent style information e.g.
SCellStyle.Alignment |
The horizontal alignment
SCellStyle.VerticalAlignment |
The vertical alignment
SCellStyleBuilder |
ScenarioProtectRecord |
I have no idea what a Scenario is or why on would want to protect it with the lamest "security" ever invented.
SCFIcon |
Mixed-group (aka.
SCFValueObject |
Conditional Formatting value object.
SCFValueObject.CFValueObjectType |
SChart |
Represents a chart in a sheet.
SChart.BarDirection |
SChart.ChartGrouping |
SChart.ChartLegendPosition |
SChart.ChartType |
SChartAxis |
SChartAxis.SChartAxisType |
SChartData |
An object that can be used to get SChart .
SCLRecord |
Specifies the window's zoom magnification.
SColor |
A color which might relate to a text or a border.
SColorFilter |
Color filter
SColorScale |
SColumn |
A column of a sheet.
SColumnArray |
It stores first and last column index of a group of column that has same width and cell style.
SComment |
A comment is some texts written by a user which is separated from text of a cell.
SConditionalFormatting |
Conditional Formatting
SConditionalFormattingRule |
SConditionalFormattingRule.RuleOperator |
SConditionalFormattingRule.RuleTimePeriod |
SConditionalFormattingRule.RuleType |
SConditionalStyle |
Extra embedded style for SConditonalFormatting.
SCustomFilter |
SCustomFilters |
SDataBar |
Condiditional Formatting of "dataBar" type.
SDataValidation |
This class stores the restrictions on what data can or should be entered in a cell.
SDataValidation.AlertStyle |
SDataValidation.OperatorType |
SDataValidation.ValidationType |
SDependencyTracer |
This interface stores the region of the current dependent precedent tracing.
SDependencyTracer.Type |
SDynamicFilter |
Section |
SelectionRecord |
Shows the user's selection on the sheet for write set num refs to 0
SelectSheetCommand |
Select sheet from sheet bar click
SequenceId |
SerializationUtils |
Assists with the serialization process and performs additional functionality based
on serialization.
SeriesChartGroupIndexRecord |
The series chart group index record stores the index to the CHARTFORMAT record (0 based).
SeriesImpl |
SeriesIndexRecord |
links a series to its position in the series list.
SeriesLabelsRecord |
The series label record defines the type of label associated with the data format record.
SeriesListRecord |
SeriesRecord |
The series record describes the overall data for a series.
SeriesTextRecord |
SetCellStyleHelper |
Helper for set cell, row, column style
SExporter |
An exporter can export a book model to a output stream or file.
SExporterFactory |
The interface defines factory methods for exporters.
SExporters |
A class that you can get an exporter by registered name and register an exporter.
SExtraStyle |
Extra embedded style for STable and SConditonalFormatting.
SFill |
Fill pattern and colors
SFill.FillPattern |
The fill pattern
SFillBuilder |
SFont |
Represents a font used in cells.
SFont.Boldweight |
SFont.TypeOffset |
SFont.Underline |
SFontBuilder |
SFooter |
The text in the footer.
SGeneralChartData |
The main object to access the data in a chart including series and categories.
Shadow<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Shape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Shape |
Common interface for all drawing shapes
ShapeContainer<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
ShapeContainer<T extends Shape> |
A common interface for shape groups.
ShapeType |
known preset shape geometries in PresentationML
ShapeTypes |
All known types of automatic shapes in DrawingML
SharedFeature |
Common Interface for all Shared Features
SharedFormula |
Encapsulates logic to convert shared formula into non shared equivalent
SharedFormulaRecord |
Primarily used as an excel optimization so that multiple similar formulas are not
written out too many times.
SharedValueManager |
SharedValueRecordBase |
SHeader |
The text in the header.
Sheet |
This interface provides the access to a sheet of a Book .
Sheet<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Common parent of Slides, Notes and Masters
Sheet |
High level representation of a Excel worksheet.
SheetAnchor |
The anchor represents a position in a sheet for the objects ( Picture , or Chart ) by row and column index.
SheetAnchor.AnchorType |
SheetBuilder |
Class SheetBuilder provides an easy way of building workbook sheets
from 2D array of Objects.
SheetConditionalFormatting |
The 'Conditional Formatting' facet of Sheet
SheetData |
SheetDeleteEvent |
The event to notify a sheet's deleted
SheetEvent |
The event to notify a sheet's updated
SheetIdentifier |
SheetImpl |
SheetImpl |
SheetNameFormatter |
Formats sheet names for use in formula expressions.
SheetOperationUtil |
The utility to help UI to deal with user's sheet operation of a Range.
SheetPropertiesRecord |
Describes a chart sheet properties record.
SheetProtection |
This interface provides access to what are allowed operations for a
protected sheet.
SheetProtection |
SheetProtection values config.
SheetProtection |
Enhanced sheet protection.
SheetProtection.Builder |
Builder is used to build instances of SheetProtection from values configured by the setters
SheetProtectionImpl |
SheetProtectionImpl |
SheetRange |
SheetRangeAndWorkbookIndexFormatter |
SheetRangeEvaluator |
Evaluator for returning cells or sheets for a range of sheets
SheetRangeIdentifier |
SheetRegion |
Indicates a immutable region of cells in a sheet.
SheetSelectEvent |
The event to notify a sheet's updated
SheetUtil |
Helper methods for when working with Usermodel sheets
SheetViewInfoImpl |
SheetVisibility |
Specifies sheet visibility
ShiftCellAction |
ShiftCellHandler |
ShiftPosCommand |
Handle the user operation when arrow key is pressed to jump around unlocked
cells on a protected sheet.
ShortField |
representation of a short (16-bit) field at a fixed location within
a byte array
ShortMonthData |
ShortWeekData |
SHyperlink |
A hyperlink of a cell.
SHyperlink.HyperlinkType |
SIconSet |
SIconSet.IconSetType |
SimpleBookSeriesImpl |
the default and one-book book-series
SimpleCellDisplayLoader |
SimpleFraction |
SimpleRef<T> |
it simple use hard reference to a instance
SimpleShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
SimpleShape |
A common interface for simple shapes.
SImporter |
An importer to import a input stream, file..etc to a new book
SImporterFactory |
The interface defines factory methods for importers.
SImporters |
This class contains utility methods to register the importer factory and get a importer by registered name.
Single |
Implementation of the SINGLE function, used by Dynamic Arrays, which is
now largely replaced by the @ character.
SingleChildNode |
SLGraphics |
Translates Graphics2D calls into PowerPoint.
Slide<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
SlideShow<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
SlideShowExtractor<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Common SlideShow extractor
SlideShowFactory |
SlideShowProvider<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Slope |
Implementation of Excel function SLOPE()
SmartUpdateBridge |
The smart update bridge to encapsulate the ZK knowledge behind this implementation.
SmartUpdateBridge.Builder |
A builder utils to create an instance of SmartUpdateBridge to use.
SName |
A named range (or defined name) which refer to a region.
SNamedStyle |
Cell Style referred via a name.
SortCellAction |
SortedValues |
SortHandler |
SortHelper |
Manipulate cells according to sorting criteria and options.
SortHelper.SortKey |
SpaceNode |
Span |
SpareSpan |
SPicture |
A picture in a sheet.
SPicture.Format |
SPictureData |
Picture data in a picture.
Spreadsheet |
SpreadsheetCtrl |
Special controller interface .
SpreadsheetCtrl.CellAttribute |
SpreadsheetCtrl.Header |
SpreadsheetInCtrl |
Special controller interface for controlling client to server behavior.
SpreadsheetOutCtrl |
Special controller interface for controlling Server to Client behavior.
SpreadsheetStandardTheme |
A standard implementation of Theme.
SpreadsheetStandardTheme.ThemeOrigin |
Used to specify the origin of theme resources (e.g.
SpreadsheetTag |
Keikai Spreadsheet Tag implementation.
SpreadsheetThemeFns |
Providing theme relevant functions for EL.
SpreadsheetThemeProvider |
SpreadsheetThemeRegistry |
SpreadsheetThemeResolver |
A standard implementation of ThemeResolver Retrieves and stores theme names
via cookie
SpreadsheetThemes |
Facade for accessing internal theming subsystem
In most cases, users need not use the underlying theme registry and
theme resolver directly.
SpreadsheetVersion |
This enum allows spreadsheets from multiple Excel versions to be handled by the common code.
SPrintSetup |
Store various setting for printing.
SPrintSetup.PaperSize |
Sqrtpi |
Implementation for Excel SQRTPI() function.
SRange |
The main API to manipulate Spreadsheet's book model.
SRange.ApplyBorderType |
SRange.AutoFilterOperation |
SRange.DeleteShift |
Shift direction of delete api
SRange.FillType |
SRange.InsertCopyOrigin |
Copy origin format/style of insert
SRange.InsertShift |
Shift direction of insert api
SRange.PasteOperation |
SRange.PasteType |
SRange.SheetVisible |
SRange.SortDataOption |
SRanges |
A collection of factory methods to create a SRange object.
SRichText |
A rich text can have multiple segments which have different fonts for
each one in a cell.
SRichText.Segment |
SRow |
A row of a sheet.
SSCellRange<K extends Cell> |
For POI internal use only
SSeries |
A series of chart data.
SSheet |
A sheet of a book.
SSheet.SheetVisible |
SSheetProtection |
SSheetViewInfo |
Store those visual statuses of a sheet, e.g.
SSTRecord |
Static String Table Record (0x00FC)
STable |
STableColumn |
Table column
STableColumn.STotalsRowFunction |
STableStyle |
Table Style.
STableStyleElem |
Table style element.
STableStyleInfo |
Table style info.
StandardDecryptor |
StandardEncryptionHeader |
StandardEncryptionInfoBuilder |
StandardEncryptionVerifier |
Used when checking if a key is valid for a document
StandardEncryptor |
Standardize |
Implementation for Excel STANDARDIZE() function.
StandardRecord |
Subclasses of this class (the majority of BIFF records) are non-continuable.
StartEditingCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling user(client) start editing a cell
StartEditingEvent |
StatFns |
StatFunctionImpl |
StaxHelper |
Stdevp |
Stdevs |
Step |
Step for handling incremental auto fill
STop10Filter |
StopEditingCommand |
A Command (client to server) for handling user(client) stop editing a cell
StopEditingEvent |
StreamIDRecord |
SXIDSTM - Stream ID (0x00D5)
StringAggregation |
StringEval |
StringNode |
StringPtg |
String Stores a String value in a formula value stored in the format
<length 2 bytes>char[]
StringRecord |
STRING (0x0207)
Strings |
The class contains methods for checking a string.
StringUtil |
Collection of string handling utilities
StringValueEval |
StrokeStyle |
This interface specifies the line style of a shape
StrokeStyle.LineCap |
StrokeStyle.LineCompound |
StrokeStyle.LineDash |
The line dash with pattern.
StyleBuilder<V> |
StyleCache |
StyleCache.ExtraStyleCache |
StyleCache.FontCache |
StyleExtRecord |
The StyleExt record follow the Style record
StyleRecord |
Describes a builtin to the gui or user defined style
StyleRef |
This is a marking class to control whether to update cell's style or just
update cell's text.
StylesTableHelper |
A helper to access StylesTable 's APIs.
StyleUtil |
A utility class to help spreadsheet set style of a cell
SubRecord |
Subrecords are part of the OBJ class.
SubRecord.SubRecordTypes |
SubRecord.SubRecordTypes.RecordConstructor<T extends SubRecord> |
Substitute |
An implementation of the SUBSTITUTE function:
Subtotal |
Implementation for the Excel function SUBTOTAL
SubtractNode |
SubtractPtg |
Sumif |
Implementation for the Excel function SUMIF
Sumifs |
Implementation for the Excel function SUMIFS
SummaryInformation |
Convenience class representing a Summary Information stream in a
Microsoft Office document.
Sumproduct |
Implementation for the Excel function SUMPRODUCT
Sumx2my2 |
Implementation of Excel function SUMX2MY2()
Sumx2py2 |
Implementation of Excel function SUMX2PY2()
Sumxmy2 |
Implementation of Excel function SUMXMY2()
SupBookRecord |
A External Workbook Description (Supplemental Book).
SuppressForbidden |
Marking class for elements to be ignored by the forbidden apis check
Switch |
Implementation of 'Analysis Toolpak' Excel function SWITCH()
SWorkbookProtection |
Workbook protection options
SyncFriendFocusEvent |
The event to notify friend focus updated
T |
Implementation of Excel T() function
TabIdRecord |
Contains an array of sheet id's.
Table |
XSSF Only!
High level abstraction of table in a workbook.
TableCell<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
TableCell.BorderEdge |
TableColumnImpl |
Table column.
TableImpl |
TableImpl.DummyTable |
TableNameImpl |
Mark interface for SName that is associated with Table.
TablePrecedentRef |
Precedent reference to ColumnRef.
TablePrecedentRefImpl |
Implementation of precedent reference to ColumnRef s.
TablePtg |
TablePtg.Item |
TableRecord |
The record specifies a data table.
TableRefNode |
TableShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
TableStyle |
Data table style definition.
TableStyleDark1 |
Builtin TableStyleDark1
TableStyleDark10 |
Builtin TableStyleDark10
TableStyleDark11 |
Builtin TableStyleDark11
TableStyleDark2 |
Builtin TableStyleDark2
TableStyleDark3 |
Builtin TableStyleDark3
TableStyleDark4 |
Builtin TableStyleDark4
TableStyleDark5 |
Builtin TableStyleDark5
TableStyleDark6 |
Builtin TableStyleDark6
TableStyleDark7 |
Builtin TableStyleDark7
TableStyleDark8 |
Builtin TableStyleDark8
TableStyleDark9 |
Builtin TableStyleDark9
TableStyleElemImpl |
TableStyleImpl |
TableStyleInfo |
style information for a specific table instance, referencing the document style
and indicating which optional portions of the style to apply.
TableStyleInfoImpl |
Table style
TableStyleLight1 |
Builtin TableStyleLight1
TableStyleLight10 |
Builtin TableStyleLight10
TableStyleLight11 |
Builtin TableStyleLight11
TableStyleLight12 |
Builtin TableStyleLight12
TableStyleLight13 |
Builtin TableStyleLight13
TableStyleLight14 |
Builtin TableStyleLight14
TableStyleLight15 |
Builtin TableStyleLight15
TableStyleLight16 |
Builtin TableStyleLight16
TableStyleLight17 |
Builtin TableStyleLight17
TableStyleLight18 |
Builtin TableStyleLight18
TableStyleLight19 |
Builtin TableStyleLight19
TableStyleLight2 |
Builtin TableStyleLight2
TableStyleLight20 |
Builtin TableStyleLight20
TableStyleLight21 |
Builtin TableStyleLight21
TableStyleLight3 |
Builtin TableStyleLight3
TableStyleLight4 |
Builtin TableStyleLight4
TableStyleLight5 |
Builtin TableStyleLight5
TableStyleLight6 |
Builtin TableStyleLight6
TableStyleLight7 |
Builtin TableStyleLight7
TableStyleLight8 |
Builtin TableStyleLight8
TableStyleLight9 |
Builtin TableStyleLight9
TableStyleMedium1 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn1
TableStyleMedium10 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn10
TableStyleMedium11 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn11
TableStyleMedium12 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn12
TableStyleMedium13 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn13
TableStyleMedium14 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn14
TableStyleMedium15 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn15
TableStyleMedium16 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn16
TableStyleMedium17 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn17
TableStyleMedium18 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn18
TableStyleMedium19 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn19
TableStyleMedium2 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn2
TableStyleMedium20 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn20
TableStyleMedium21 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn21
TableStyleMedium22 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn22
TableStyleMedium23 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn23
TableStyleMedium24 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn24
TableStyleMedium25 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn25
TableStyleMedium26 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn26
TableStyleMedium27 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn27
TableStyleMedium28 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn28
TableStyleMedium3 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn3
TableStyleMedium4 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn4
TableStyleMedium5 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn5
TableStyleMedium6 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn6
TableStyleMedium7 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn7
TableStyleMedium8 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn8
TableStyleMedium9 |
Builtin TableStyleMediumn9
TableStyleNone |
Builtin TableStyleNone
TableStylesRecord |
TableStyleType |
Ordered list of table style elements, for both data tables and pivot tables.
TabStop |
TabStop.TabStopType |
TblPtg |
This ptg indicates a data table.
TDist |
Implementation for Excel TDIST() function.
TDist2t |
Implementation for Excel T.DIST.2T() function.
TDistLt |
Implementation for Excel T.DIST() function.
TDistRt |
Implementation for Excel T.DIST.RT() function.
TempFile |
Interface for creating temporary files.
TempFileCreationStrategy |
Interface used by the TempFile utility class to create temporary files.
TempFilePOIFSFileSystem |
An experimental POIFSFileSystem to support the encryption of large files
TestImporterFactory |
TextBox<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
Represents a TextFrame shape in PowerPoint.
TextFns |
TextFunction |
TextFunctionHelper |
TextFunctionImpl |
TextHeightCommand |
A Command (client to server) for fetch data back
TextIndentHandler |
TextObjectRecord |
The TXO record (0x01B6) is used to define the properties of a text box.
TextParagraph<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,T>,T extends TextRun> |
TextParagraph.BulletStyle |
TextParagraph.FontAlign |
TextParagraph.TextAlign |
Specifies a list of text alignment types
TextRecord |
The text record is used to define text stored on a chart.
TextRotationHandler |
TextRun |
Some text.
TextRun.FieldType |
Type of placeholder fields
TextRun.TextCap |
Type of text capitals
TextShape<S extends Shape<S,P>,P extends TextParagraph<S,P,? extends TextRun>> |
TextShape.TextAutofit |
Specifies alist of auto-fit types.
TextShape.TextDirection |
Vertical Text Types
TextShape.TextPlaceholder |
This enum represents a compromise for the handling of
HSLF run types (see org.apache.poi.hslf.record.TextHeaderAtom) and
XSLF placeholders (see org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel.Placeholder).
TextWidthCommand |
A Command (client to server) for pass cell text width back
ThemeRecord |
The theme used in this workbook.
ThreadLocalUtil |
Small utility to allow to remove references held in ThreadLocals.
ThreeDEval |
Optional Extension to the likes of AreaEval and
AreaEvalBase ,
which allows for looking up 3D (sheet+row+column) evaluations
Threshold |
Threshold / value (CFVO) for changes in Conditional Formatting
Thumbnail |
Class to manipulate data in the Clipboard Variant ( VT_CF ) format.
TickRecord |
The Tick record defines how tick marks and label positioning/formatting
TimeFunc |
Implementation for the Excel function TIME
TimeValue |
Implementation for the TIMEVALUE() Excel function.
Today |
Implementation of Excel TODAY() Function
ToExcelNumberConverter |
ToggleMergeCellAction |
ToHtml |
This example shows how to display a spreadsheet in HTML using the classes for
spreadsheet display.
TokenNodeVisitor<R> |
TokenOperandClassTransformer |
Refer to OperandClassTransformer
TokenToPtgVisitor |
ToolbarButton |
A toolbar button for Spreadsheet component (Immutable).
ToolbarButton.Builder |
Toolbar button builder
Top10Filter |
Top10FilterCtrl |
Top10FilterCtrl.ItemsPercent |
Top10FilterCtrl.TopBottom |
Top10FilterHandler |
Top10FilterImpl |
TopMarginRecord |
Record for the top margin.
Trend |
Implementation for the Excel function TREND
TrueMatch |
Always return true or false
TwoDEval |
TwoOperandNumericOperation |
TypedPropertyValue |
UDFFinder |
Common interface for "Add-in" libraries and user defined function libraries.
UnaryMinusEval |
UnaryMinusPtg |
Unary Plus operator - does not have any effect on the operand
UnaryPlusEval |
UnaryPlusPtg |
Unary Plus operator - does not have any effect on the operand
UncalcedRecord |
If this record occurs in the Worksheet Substream, it indicates that the formulas have not
been recalculated before the document was saved.
UndoableAction |
UndoableActionManager |
the manager to control undoable action
UndoableActionManagerEvent |
UndoableActionManagerEvent.Type |
UndoableActionManagerImpl |
default undoable action manager
UnexpectedPropertySetTypeException |
This exception is thrown if a certain type of property set is
expected (e.g.
UnhideSheetCtrl |
UnhideSheetHandler |
UnicodeString |
UnicodeString |
Unicode String - just standard fields that are in several records.
UnionEval |
Represent many ValueEval s unioned by Union operator(comma operator).
UnionNode |
UnionPtg |
Units |
UnitsRecord |
The units record describes units.
UnitUtil |
Utility for transferring unit
UnitUtil |
Various unit conversion methods.
UnknownEscherRecord |
This record is used whenever an escher record is encountered that
we do not explicitly support.
UnknownPtg |
UnknownRecord |
Unknown record just tells you the sid so you can figure out what records you are missing.
UnlockedCellsHelper |
A utility class for calculating position of unlocked cells.
UnlockedCellsHelper.UnlockedCellInfo |
UnmergeCellAction |
UnmergeHandler |
UnsupportedChartDataImpl |
UnsupportedFileFormatException |
Base class of all the exceptions that POI throws in the event
that it's given a file that isn't supported
UnsupportedVariantTypeException |
This exception is thrown if HPSF encounters a variant type that isn't
supported yet.
Update |
Represents a custom JSF component that wraps zk execution update scripts
UpdateBridge |
A abstract util wrapping Bridge provide easier functionality for a servlet
UserActionContext |
UserActionContext.Clipboard |
UserActionHandler |
UserActionManager |
UserActionManagerCtrl |
Action Handler for user's action
UserActionManagerCtrlImpl |
Action Handler for user's action in zssex, it handles widget (chart and image) actions
UserDefinedFunction |
Common entry point for all user-defined (non-built-in) functions (where
AbstractFunctionPtg.field_2_fnc_index == 255)
UserSViewBegin |
The UserSViewBegin record specifies settings for a custom view associated with the sheet.
UserSViewEnd |
The UserSViewEnd record marks the end of the settings for a custom view associated with the sheet
UseSelFSRecord |
Tells the GUI if this was written by something that can use "natural language" formulas.
UtilFns |
UtilFns |
Validation |
Represents data validation for a worksheet range.
Validation.AlertStyle |
Validation.OperatorType |
Validation.ValidationType |
ValidationHelper |
A validation helper to help cell validation
ValidationImpl |
Validations |
This class contains methods for validating arguments of a method.
Value |
Implementation for Excel VALUE() function.
ValueAxisImpl |
ValueAxisImpl.CrossBetween |
ValueEval |
ValueOperatorPtg |
Common superclass of all value operators.
ValueRangeRecord |
The value range record defines the range of the value axis.
ValueRecordsAggregate |
Aggregate value records together.
Variant |
The Variant types as defined by Microsoft's COM.
VariantBool |
VariantSupport |
Supports reading and writing of variant data.
VariantTypeException |
This exception is thrown if HPSF encounters a problem with a variant type.
Varp |
Vars |
VBAMacroExtractor |
This tool extracts out the source of all VBA Modules of an office file,
both OOXML (eg XLSM) and OLE2/POIFS (eg DOC), to STDOUT or a directory.
VBAMacroReader |
Finds all VBA Macros in an office file (OLE2/POIFS and OOXML/OPC),
and returns them.
VBAMacroReader.ModuleImpl |
VBAMacroReader.ModuleMap |
VCenterRecord |
Tells whether to center the sheet between vertical margins
Vector |
Holder for vector-type properties
Version |
The version of the ZSS JSF.
Version |
Defines the version of Keikai Spreadsheet.
Version |
The version of the Keikai extension.
VersionedStream |
VerticalAlignHandler |
VerticalAlignment |
Specifies a list of available anchoring types for text
VerticalAlignment |
This enumeration value indicates the type of vertical alignment for a cell, i.e.,
whether it is aligned top, bottom, vertically centered, justified or distributed.
VerticalPageBreakRecord |
VerticalPageBreak (0x001A) record that stores page breaks at columns
ViewAnchor |
Represent a anchor position by its left-top cell index, width, height, x and y offset within the cell,
or a right-bottom anchor position by its right-bottom cell index with 0 width and height.
ViewAnchor.AnchorType |
ViewDefinitionRecord |
SXVIEW - View Definition (0x00B0)
ViewFieldsRecord |
SXVD - View Fields (0x00B1)
ViewSourceRecord |
SXVS - View Source (0x00E3)
Vlookup |
Implementation of the VLOOKUP() function.
VmlDrawing |
VmlDrawing.VShapeJson |
VoidWidgetHandler |
Default widget implementation, don't provide any function.
WebAppInit |
WeekdayFunc |
Implementation for the Excel function WEEKDAY
WeekNum |
Implementation for Excel WeekNum() function.
WholeStyleUtil |
A utility class to help spreadsheet set style of a row, column and cell
WholeStyleUtil.StyleApplyer |
Widget |
A widget, like a embedded object of spreadsheet, for example a image, a chart or a dropdown
WidgetAction |
WidgetCtrl |
WidgetHandler |
WidgetHandler control when widgets should display on client, when should remove.
WidgetKeyEvent |
Event about widget keystroke
WidgetLoader |
A controller interface to add/remove widget into/from spreadsheet
WidgetUpdateCommand |
WidgetUpdateEvent |
Event about widget update
WindowOneRecord |
Stores the attributes of the workbook window.
WindowProtectRecord |
Flags whether workbook windows are protected
WindowTwoRecord |
Sheet window settings
Workbook |
High level representation of a Excel workbook.
WorkbookDependentFormula |
Should be implemented by any Ptg subclass that needs a workbook to render its formula.
WorkbookEvaluator |
Evaluates formula cells.
WorkbookEvaluator.CacheManager |
WorkbookEvaluatorProvider |
WorkbookFactory |
Factory for creating the appropriate kind of Workbook
(be it HSSFWorkbook or XSSFWorkbook),
by auto-detecting from the supplied input.
WorkbookProtectionImpl |
WorkbookProvider |
WorkbookRecordList |
WorkbookUtil |
Helper methods for when working with Usermodel Workbooks
WorkdayCalculator |
A calculator for workdays, considering dates as excel representations.
WorksheetProtectionBlock |
Groups the sheet protection records for a worksheet.
WrapTextHandler |
WriteAccessRecord |
Title: Write Access Record (0x005C)
WriteProtectRecord |
Indicated that the sheet/workbook is write protected.
WritingNotSupportedException |
This exception is thrown when trying to write a (yet) unsupported variant
WSBoolRecord |
Stores workbook settings (aka its a big "everything we didn't put somewhere else")
XDDFCategoryAxisHelper |
A helper class to access XDDFCategoryAxis 's APIs
XDDFDateAxisHelper |
A helper to access XDDFDateAxis ' APIs.
XDDFDateAxisHelper.TimeUnit |
XDDFValueAxisHelper |
A helper class to access XDDFValueAxis ' APIs.
XelContextHolder |
Helper class to pass XelContext for formula evaluation.
XFCrcRecord |
Title: XFCRC Record
XFExtRecord |
2.4.355 XFEXT [MS-XLS].pdf, page 609.
XFProp |
An array of formatting properties
XFPropBorder |
XFPropColor |
XFPropGradient |
XFPropGradientStop |
XlsxExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxAlignmentExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxAutoFilterExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxBorderExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxBorderPrExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCellExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCellStyleExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCellXfExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCfIconExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCfRuleExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCfvoExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxClrSchemeExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxColExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxColorExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxColorFilterExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxColorScaleExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCommentExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCommentsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxConditionalFormattingExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCustomFilterExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxCustomFiltersExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDataBarExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDataValidationExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDataValidationsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDateGroupItemExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDefinedNameExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDrawingFactory |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDrawingsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDxfExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxDynamicFilterExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtCfRuleExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtCfvoExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtColorScaleExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtConditionalFormattingExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtDataBarExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtDataValidationExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtDxfExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExternalBookExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExternalLinkExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtIconSetExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxExtLstExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxFillExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxFilterColumnExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxFiltersExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxFontExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxFormulaExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxGradientExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxHeaderFootersExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxHyperlinkExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxIconFilterExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxIconSetExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxNumFmtExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxOutlinePrExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPageMarginsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPageSetupExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPaneExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPatternExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPhoneticPrExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPhoneticRunExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxPrintOptionsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxProtectionExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxREItExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxRGBColorsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxRichTextExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxRowExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSchemeClrExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSelectionExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSheetExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSheetFormatPrExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSheetPropertiesExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSheetProtectionExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSheetViewExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSortConditionExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSortStateExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSpanExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSparklineExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSparklineGroupExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSparklineGroupsExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxSparklinesExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxStopExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxStyleSheetExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableColumnExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableFormulaExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableStyleElementExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableStyleExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableStyleInfoExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTableStylesExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxThemesExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxTop10Extractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxVmlDrawingExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxWorkbookExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxWorkbookProtectionExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxXfExtractor |
XlsxExtractor.XlsxXmlColumnPrExtractor |
XlsxImporter |
An excel xlsx importer
XlsxJsonHelper |
Xlsx Json Helper
XlsxParser |
A StAX parser to convert Xlsx to JSON format.
XLUnicodeString |
XMLHelper |
Helper methods for working with javax.xml classes.
XORDecryptor |
XOREncryptionHeader |
XOREncryptionInfoBuilder |
XOREncryptionVerifier |
XOREncryptor |
XSSFCellStyleHelper |
A helper to access XSSFCellStyle 's APIs.
XSSFColorFilter |
Support color filtering.
XSSFConditionalFormattingHelper |
A helper to access XSSFConditionalFormatting 's APIs.
XSSFCustomFilter |
XSSFCustomFilters |
XSSFDxfCellStyle |
Cell style for Dxfs
XSSFDynamicFilter |
XSSFEvaluationSheetHelper |
A helper to access XSSFEvaluationSheet 's APIs.
XSSFEvaluationWorkbookInterceptor |
A method interceptor for XSSFEvaluationWorkbook to override the default behavior in POI-OOXML library.
XSSFFilterColumn |
XSSFNamedStyle |
XSSFPrintSetupHelper |
A helper to access XSSFPrintSetup 's APIs.
XSSFRichTextStringHelper |
A helper to access XSSFRichTextString 's APIs.
XSSFSheetHelper |
A XSSF Sheet helper to access some protected APIs
XSSFSheetProtection |
zss-576: enhanced protection.
XSSFTableColumnHelper |
A helper to access XSSFTableColumn 's APIs.
XSSFTableColumnHelper.TotalsRowFunction |
XSSFTop10Filter |
XSSFWorkbookHelper |
A helper to access XSSFWorkbook 's APIs.
XUtils |
XYAdjustHandle |
Java class for CT_XYAdjustHandle complex type.
XYNumericFunction |
XYNumericFunction.Accumulator |
ZKUDFFinder |
User defined function finder for ZK.
ZSFileupload |
ZSMessagebox |
ZSMessagebox.Button |
ZSMessagebox.ClickEvent |
ZSMessageboxDlg |
ZSMessageboxDlg.Button |
ZssChartEngine |
A ZssChartEngine customized to draw Chart for matching Excel chart style
ZssChartExportEngine |
A utility to export jfreechart with 3.5 model directly.
ZssCharts |
A wrapper for ZK charts.
ZssContext |
Keikai Spreadsheet context for cell evaluation, etc.
ZssMessageLoader |
ZUL implementation of MessageLoader